Cherry Girl

Free Cherry Girl by Candy Dance

Book: Cherry Girl by Candy Dance Read Free Book Online
Authors: Candy Dance
Master,” she answered breathlessly.
    Rider rubbed her bare bottom with another lecherous smile. His baby was turned on, exactly as he intended her to be. He reached down and opened the hatch, and with his hand on her rump he guided her forward. It took thirty seconds for the chamber to equalize and for the far hatch to pop open into the cargo hold. In twenty seconds Lisette gasped and he had to grab her around the waist to keep her from floating away. “Low gravity,” he announced.
    “Low gravity!” Lisette squealed as she tore her blindfold off to look around, then down on him. “Rider,” she exclaimed with excitement.
    He'd had his bare feet hooked into two of the holding straps, but now that he had a secure hold on Lisette, he unhooked his feet and they floated slowly free. “Oh my god,” Lisette exclaimed as they floated toward the open hatch that led into the larger cargo bay. She had her legs wrapped around his bare waist as she looked down at her breasts nudging him warmly under the chin. Her breasts were buoyant in the low gravity . . . they were large balloons of firm young female flesh. Yummy . His cock was airy too, raised with a stiff salute upward. The low gravity made it feel as though the very air was dragging against the rigid column of his dick, and his balls were doing an uplifting dance of their own. The stimulation was arousing and he heard Lisette gasp as her arm slowly lowered until her hand cupped her pussy. “It feels like you are rubbing your fingers through my pussy,” she exclaimed.
    God, he loved it when she said, “My pussy,” like that, and he watched in amazement as a drop of his seed floated free from the head of his dick. It was the size of a pea and it rose airily behind Lisette’s back, until it was over their heads.
    “Oh, Rider, look!” Lisette squealed suddenly.
    He’d been anticipating this . . . Lisette’s first reaction when they entered the cargo bay and she saw the complete panoramic view of space around them outside the postal carrier. The entire cargo bay was fitted with square sections of tempered glass and the view of space outside was incredible. “It’s like we are floating in space, Rider!”
    He had purposely left the lighting off, so it was exactly as though they were drifting free in space. Just the two of them in the entire universe, naked and free, with their bare limbs intertwined as they coasted in the middle of the glass cargo bay.
    “Sperm rises in here,” Rider said as he pulled Lisette down his body until he could capture her lips in a deep kiss.
    “Rider, what does that mean?” Lisette asked him breathlessly, as their lips broke apart after a long tongue battle.
    “It means, sweet thing, that there is a thirty percent better chance of getting pregnant in a low gravity chamber.”
    “Oh, Rider! Do you mean it? Do you really want to get pregnant with me?”
    Rider wrapped his muscular thighs around her slender legs as he twisted their bodies, until she was above him as they floated free. “Well, pudding, I dispatched the order and payment over four weeks ago to purchase the virgin model cyborg installed in my postal carrier and I just got back confirmation of the sale along with a lifetime warranty.”
    “Lifetime!” Lisette squealed, and the exuberant sound made them turned in a circle.
    “Yeah, lifetime, Cherry-girl,” Rider said as he grasped the back of Lisette’s neck and he pulled her down to him for another heated kiss.
    Lisette thought she might faint. Rider had never kissed her as hotly or as passionately before, plus the low gravitation was lifting and stroking her body with dizzying sensations. Her thighs spread outward of their own accord and her pussy lips splayed as though fingers were holding them open. Her clit lifted upward, tight and throbbing, as did the aroused spikes of her nipples. The air floated over her with a caressing wave against her bare skin, like the feathery brush of fingertips fluttering over her

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