Abandoned but Not Alone

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Book: Abandoned but Not Alone by Theresa L. Henry Read Free Book Online
Authors: Theresa L. Henry
They look good together don ’ t they? ”
    “ Yeah, just what the world needs, another
pretty boy. ” Jason
snapped back, vexation evident on his face.
    “ Something on your mind big guy, or should
I say someone? ”
    “ You need to do something, or I might just
ruin your party. ”
Steve patted Jason on the shoulder. “ Don ’ t worry my friend the mood is about to
change. Hope told the DJ to play the electric slide next, believe me, any
self-respecting man over six feet, is gonna high-tail it off that floor in two
seconds flat. I ’ m also
going to do you another favor; when I ask Aviva to dance you can cut in, how
does that sound? ”
    “ Sounds like we got ourselves a plan, my
man. ”
    “ Well alright then, shall we take up our
positions? ”
    “ After you my good man...after you. ”
    As the DJ
announced the electric slide, Carlos ’ hands
disentangled Aviva ’ s hands
from around his neck as he made a hasty exit from the dance floor; leaving
behind a lot of squealing women and some die hard men who were ready to take on
the dance. Carlos moved to the side of the dance floor and watched Aviva as the
dancers found their places. Aviva wasn ’ t the most beautiful woman on the dance floor by far, in fact
with so many model types attending the party she fell short on more than one
level. But there was something about her that had caught his attention from the
first moment he had been introduced to her. She had a vitality that transposed
mere beauty and resonated with Carlos.
    He had been
in the music business and at the top of his game for a long time. Beautiful
women threw themselves at him all the time. In the beginning he had lapped up
all the attention, had even married a beautiful woman, to realize when it was
too late, she loved his money and fame more than she loved him. After their
divorce she had moved on to a football player and finally to a basketball
player. He wasn ’ t saying
that all beautiful women were only after a man who could give them a certain
life style, he knew that to be untrue, even unfair. But he was shaped by his
experiences and the women he normally came into contact with were usually above
average looking.
    He was
ready to settle down once again and he had been giving Aviva some serious
thought on become the next Mrs Ernesto. In the past one of the only spanners in
the works had been that he had yet to get Aviva to admit that she found him
attractive, referring to him as a ‘ dear friend ’ . Enter a certain Jason King, and if his
instincts were correct, Aviva wasn ’ t calling
him ‘ dear friend ’ .
    As Carlos
watched Aviva dance, Jason watched Carlos from the opposite side of the room,
not liking what he saw any more than when he had seen them together earlier. As
the song drew to an end, Steve maneuvered his way through the dancers towards
Aviva, only just beating Carlos who was about to claim her for another dance.
Steve smiled and shrugged at Carlos as he spun her in Jason ’ s direction where he stood waiting, just
as they had planned. Not wanting to appear too obvious Steve slowed his
movements and looked down at Aviva who appeared more than a little glassy eyed
and slightly sick at the spin he had just executed.
    “ Thank you for the song, it was beautiful,
Hope and I appreciated it very much. ”
    “ Welcome Seeve, you knowed I ’ d do anythink for you and Hop. ”
having seen Aviva intoxicated, Steve was hard pressed not to laugh. Jason would
be lucky to get anything coherent out of her for the rest of the night. Hell,
he ’ d be lucky if she didn ’ t puke all over him. Aviva made a funny
little sound and Steve was more than ready for Jason to cut in and take her off
his hands. Steve felt a hand tap him on the shoulder, relinquishing his hold he
handed her over and left the room to call for Jason ’ s car to take them home. That girl needed to lie down before she
fell down.
    “’ son I ’ m frunk...don ’ t feel so
good. ”
    “ I can

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