Abandoned but Not Alone

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Book: Abandoned but Not Alone by Theresa L. Henry Read Free Book Online
Authors: Theresa L. Henry
see that Angel, you gonna be sick? ”
    “ Don ’ t know, maybe …”
    “ Can you walk? ”
    “ Don ’ t be silly ‘ son, I
learned when to walk when I was nine months old, my mother told me. ”
Jason held Aviva up as her legs began to buckle; her eyes taking on a strange
drunken cross action. He wanted to pick her up but knew doing so would draw
attention to her inebriated state. Securing her firmly to his side, with a firm
arm locked around her waist, he carried her in such a way as to give the
appearance she moved under her own steam. If anyone chose to look closely they
would immediately see the truth of the situation.
    Two people
were paying them very close attention, Carlos and Hope, the latter making a
bee-line to follow them out of the room.
    “ What ’ s going on Jason, where are you two going? ”
    “ Hop, what a wonderful party, isn ’ t it a wonderful party ‘ son, tell her it ’ s a wonderful party. ”
    “ Your car ’ s ready Jason. I had it brought around when I saw our little
girl was looking at me cross eyed. ”
    “ Thanks man, come on Miss Inebriation, let ’ s get you home. ”
    No longer
needing to keep up the pretense of Aviva being unable to walk, Jason swung her
up into his arms and carried her to the waiting car. Entering with her still in
his arms he took a seat, holding her in his lap throughout the drive back to
his house. Aviva didn ’ t move
once, she just snuggled into his chest and snored softly.
    It was
after midnight by the time Jason got her home. At the top of the stairs he
realized he had no idea which room she was occupying, the thought pleased him.
When she awoke tomorrow to give him hell he had the perfect explanation as to
why she was in his bed. Carrying her up the stairs Jason made his way to his
suite. Balancing her precariously, he opened the door and walked towards his
bedroom to lay her down on his bed. Removing his jacket and tie he tossed them
carelessly across a chair and looked down at Aviva ’ s sleeping form.
    He needed
to get her out of her clothes and into something more comfortable for sleep.
This he was looking forward to, feeling something of a voyeur and not caring in
the slightest; Jason walked to his dresser and removed one of his t-shirts for
Aviva to sleep in. He would rather she slept in her underwear but knew there
was no way to justify that move come the morning, t-shirt it was.
looked for the opening of Aviva ’ s belt to
remove it, he couldn ’ t find one.
Moving her from side to side in his search, he still couldn ’ t find it. It was definitely not an
integral part of the dress but its release baffled him. As his frustration grew
his hand accidentally pressed against the damn contraption and it sprang open.
Relieved to finally have the belt puzzle open, he had no intention of giving
the blasted thing another thought as he slung it across the room. Turning Aviva
over onto her stomach, he pulled the zipper of her dress down, inch by inch
revealing more and more of her chocolate smooth back.  When the zip could go no
further, Jason sat Aviva up, resting her sleeping form against his body as he
peeled the blue dress away. With the dress pooled around her waist, Jason
lowered Aviva to the bed and with unhurried movements raised her hips to
completely remove the blue garment that had been driving him crazy from the
moment she had appeared wearing it. No matter how much he loved the dress, and
looking at Aviva in it, the sight she presented in nothing but a pair of lace
thongs made his mouth water. He couldn ’ t resist the temptation as she lay before his hungry eyes, he
did what nothing on earth could stop him from doing, he touched her, running
his fingertips from her chest, down through the valley that separated her
breasts, along the expanse of her torso to the top of her blue thong and back
again. She felt like velvet against his touch and he wanted nothing more at
that moment than for her to be awake to witness how

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