Touch of Iron (The Living Blade #1)

Free Touch of Iron (The Living Blade #1) by Timandra Whitecastle

Book: Touch of Iron (The Living Blade #1) by Timandra Whitecastle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Timandra Whitecastle
came back to get us out. Tried to break in through the kitchen door. We heard the commotion from underneath. Since then, the door’s been locked, and they stand guard when we’re hauled up to cook them their meals.”
    Nora hid her face in her hands for a moment. As if in prayer, she held her hands against her lips. Five young women in the inn, the two of them out here, made seven. Seven couldn’t ride off on two horses. But a fast rider could be at the Vale in hours, raise the alarm, get help. If the Vale wasn’t similarly troubled. But they had strong palisades and trained riders.
    “Which one’s faster?”
    “Which horse is faster?”
    “Can you saddle her in the dark?”
    “I, I think so. Why?”
    Nora didn’t answer. This was it, then. The decision was made. She pulled the long silver chain from under her tunic and laid it into the cup of Becca’s hand. Even without holding it, Nora felt the heavy weight of the silver wolf’s head dangling from the chain. The guilt for taking it off was a needle prick. So easy to ignore.
    “You’ll ride to Green Vale.”
    “We both will.” Becca’s lower lip started to wobble, but her jaw was set. Nora shook her head.
    “Show the chain to Wolfe and Elderman Eol, and they will send horses and men.”
    “You show it to them yourself.” Becca shoved the necklace back at Nora.
    “Nora, if they find you! You don’t know the horrible things—”
    “No. These men don’t even know I’m here. I can hide and be safe until the riders of the Vale come tomorrow. And you’ll be faster riding there on your own.”
    “It’s a half-day’s ride to the Green Vale. Even if Elderman Eol were to come immediately, they wouldn’t be here until tomorrow evening.”
    “I know.”
    Becca gasped for air and threw herself at Nora, weeping.
    “I can’t leave you. I don’t want to.”
    Nora held her friend tight. She had never had many friends and even fewer the last couple of years. But now and here, the straw under her feet, the gentle sound of the horses, the lavender-scented strands of pale gold between her fingers, and the salty tears on Becca’s face—this was good. Only it couldn’t last. She was on her own. She held Becca at arm’s length.
    “You’re the better rider.”
    “But they’ll kill you if they find you.”
    “They won’t find me.”
    “Promise?” Becca sniffed. Her sobbing had stopped. Nora stroked her thumb over her friend’s grimy, soft face.
    “I promise.” It was easy to lie in the dark.
    Their foreheads touched. She pulled away and swallowed hard. Becca busied herself saddling the horse. Nora sat down in the hay. Her bones ached, her stomach was churning; she tasted bile on her tongue, and all she wanted to do was lie down. Lie down and never have to get up again. She grabbed a handful of oats from a sack by the door and chewed them carefully. It wasn’t much of a meal. Bits of straw and tiny pebbles among the oats ground like sand between her teeth.
    She woke up with a start as Becca gently shook her shoulder.
    “I’m ready,” she said.
    Nora’s hand left the hilt of her knife. She nodded and rose.
    “Good. Do you know how to ride to the Green Vale?”
    “In the dark?” Becca asked. “Follow the road, I guess. You sure you’re not coming?”
    “I’m sure. Here, take my cloak.”
    “I already have your necklace.”
    “You’re in your shift, Becca. It’s a cold night. It’ll be colder riding. Just take it.”
    “Thank you.”
    Nora gave her the thick cloak. Becca squeezed her hand before taking it. Opening the door, Nora listened into the dark outside for the guard who had left his post earlier. It was all clear, so she signaled Becca to come with the horse. It neighed softly as Becca sat up in the saddle, her naked legs poking out under Nora’s short cloak. Well, there was nothing Nora could do about that. Her boots were the only thing of value left to her. Her boots and her

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