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Book: UnholyCravings by Suzanne Rock Read Free Book Online
Authors: Suzanne Rock
pavement, he was moving toward the fire escape.
    “Where are you going?” Tara asked.
    He drew his sword and charged the deahmans .
    “Wait!” What he was doing was suicide. There were three deahmans to his one. Tara stood stunned as his tall, muscular frame charged into the
fray. They converged on him as one body, biting at his skin and tearing at his
    Tara froze with fear, her mind blanking. Was the man mad?
One bite from a deahman would kill a normal human. It would kill an Iatros as well. Then again, Soren was neither Iatros nor human. He was one of
    He was a good fighter, as well. It wasn’t long before he
decapitated one. The cut was clean and the head rolled off the body and onto
the pavement. The body crumpled, falling into a bloody heap on the ground.
    Only two left to go. Soren turned to face one of the deahmans ,
turning his back on the second. The second deahman pulled a long blade
from his hip and raised it into the air.
    “Look out!” Tara grabbed a throwing star out of her jacket
and threw it at the deahman at Soren’s back. It lodged in the beast’s
neck, severing a vein. The deahman shrieked and fell back. Soren turned
and finished the job, lopping off his head as if someone would cut a slice of
    Soren then turned and did the same to his stunned opponent.
Both deahmans fell, their heads rolling a short distance away from their
    Tara stared at the fallen deahmans in awe. Soren
single-handedly killed three deahmans. It was quite impressive. And sexy. The
bodies started to shimmer, then turned into ash, just like every other deahman her people had slain. Nothing but their clothes remained. A gentle breeze rose
up and scattered the remains. Good riddance.
    Soren walked over and picked up one of the shirts, then used
it to clean his blade. When the last of the deahman blood was removed,
he strode over to Tara. “Thanks.”
    Tara crossed her arms. “Maybe having a woman around isn’t so
bad after all, eh?”
    He twisted his lips into a wry smile. “Maybe.” He glanced up
at the window. “Master’s coming.”
    Tara looked up to see Donar inching his way across the
ledge. “That’s your twin, not your master.”
    Soren looked away from the window and studied her face. “You’re
not joking.”
    “I don’t remember having a brother.” He turned back to
Donar, who had made it to the fire escape and began the long climb down. “He
does seem vaguely familiar, though. The darkness inside of me recognizes him.”
    “It was the blast, I think. It messed with your memory.
Temporary amnesia.”
    Donar hopped down onto the pavement and jogged his way over
to them.
    Tara looked up at the window. Smoke billowed out and swirled
up toward the sky. “Where’s Samir?”
    Donar reached them and leaned on his knees as he tired to
catch his breath. “That’s one tough chick.”
    “Anisa?” Soren asked.
    Donar nodded.
    “Is Samir okay?” Tara asked.
    Donar looked at her for a moment. “He was fine when I left
him. He said to take you far away from this place. He’d keep her busy as long
as possible.”
    Tara swore. “Leave it to him to play the martyr.” She
glanced to the front of the alley. “Well, you heard him, let’s go.”
    “You’re going to leave him?” Soren asked.
    “But you were insistent about staying to help him.”
    “I have a responsibility to deliver you safe and sound to
Darien Lange.”
    They both gave her blank stares.
    “You know Darien. The leader of your paranormal
investigation unit within the FBI? The one who shattered the deahman stone and joined spirits with my queen?”
    “Darien?” Donar asked. “That name sounds familiar.” He
    Tara shook her head. It was going to be difficult to get any
information out of them if they couldn’t even remember who they were. That wasn’t
her problem, however.
    “Besides, you heard Samir. He can take care of himself,”
Donar said.
    Well, she hoped that he could

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