Pandora's Genes

Free Pandora's Genes by Kathryn Lance

Book: Pandora's Genes by Kathryn Lance Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathryn Lance
now have to try to disable the brothers in some way.
    “Your ’daughter’ ain’t too obedient, is she?” said Ermil.
    Zach didn’t answer. The safest thing would be to kill both men if he could manage it, but like Ermil he had no taste for cold-blooded murder. In any case, he could no longer continue to hold the struggling Orin; the man was nearly as big as he was and Zach’s arms were beginning to quiver from fatigue.
    Slowly he backed up to where his sword lay on the ground, and, still covering Orin with the knife, he picked it up, then stepped back. At least this gave him a bit of mobility.
    “You can’t stop both of us if we decide to rush you,” said Ermil.
    “I can kill at least one, though, and I don’t think you want that.”
    Ermil shrugged, and Zach turned to Orin. “Orin, take those thongs and tie your brother to the tree.”
    “What if I don’t want to?” said Orin.
    “Then I’ll run you through,” said Zach. “And don’t think I won’t.”
    With every minute the brothers were gaining confidence, and Zach knew that his time was running out. If Evvy had obeyed him in the first place he would now be able to break for his mount and try to get away.
    Orin was moving very slowly. Zach turned to prod him with the sword, then too late saw Ermil move. The man’s aim was deadly. Before he could fend it off a rock struck Zach just behind the ear and he staggered. Orin lunged and knocked him to the ground; the sword fell from his hand. In the other hand he still held the knife, but Orin’s fingers closed on his wrist. The man was strong, and Zach had to relax his grip or have his wrist broken.
    Orin reached for the sword and stood, holding its tip against Zach’s throat. “I’ve got him, Ermil,” he said.
    “Go after the girl,” said Ermil. “On the mount. I’ll take care of our friend here.”
    “That mount don’t like me,” said Orin.
    “Take the thongs and beat it, then,” said Ermil. “Stop wasting time.”
    Ermil took the sword from Orin. Zach tried to raise himself on one elbow and was hit by a wave of dizziness. Feeling helpless, he watched as the big man cautiously approached the mount. She whistled menacingly, but Zach could see she was tired and confused, and after a brief moment of skittish dancing, she let him climb on. Orin disappeared into the woods.
    Zach knew it was over. Even if she had obeyed him this time, Evvy had no chance of outrunning a mounted man.
    “Once again things have turned,” said Ermil. “You’re far too dangerous, my friend. You understand I’ll have to kill you now.”
    The little man had both sword and knife, and it was quite clear by now that he knew how to use them. Zach’s only hope was to break and run, but he knew that with Ermil’s ability to throw he would not get far.
    “There’s nothing personal in this,” Ermil went on. “I have an idea the Principal lost a good man when you decided to take the girl. But your time has run out.” Still the man didn’t move, and Zach sensed he was struggling with his reluctance to kill in cold blood. Perhaps he might yet manage to outwit him. . . .
    “If you let me go,” said Zach, “I will reward you. I—”
    “No,” said Ermil, almost sadly. “I can’t trust you.” He was standing above Zach, the sword poised. He pulled it up, ready to thrust, and Zach did the only thing he could: he rolled to the side, into the little man’s legs. Ermil’s own hesitation was his undoing; Zach had caught him by surprise and he fell. Zach threw himself onto Ermil, grabbed for the sword arm and twisted it. Ermil struggled, but Zach was much larger and stronger, and he quickly retrieved the sword. Now things had once again turned, and Zach forced himself to do what he must. He pulled his arm back, hesitated only a moment, then thrust the blade deep into Ermil’s belly. Ermil grunted and his hands went to the wound. He looked up at Zach, his eyes startled and slipping out of focus.
    “I’m sorry,”

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