Ascension Day

Free Ascension Day by John Matthews

Book: Ascension Day by John Matthews Read Free Book Online
Authors: John Matthews
settle this.’

    ‘You didn’t have to agree to the date, if you didn’t want to, you know,’ Jean-Marie said. ‘Certainly not just because of me and Mum.’
    ‘I think I did, and you know it. Camille would have just kept on pushing, and you and mum would have got the worst of it. Thankfully, I only have to see her when I choose.’
    They’d left Camille’s an hour ago, and Jac’s sister Jean-Marie had grabbed his ear as soon as their mother had gone to the kitchen to make coffee before he left.
    Jean-Marie looked down thoughtfully for a second. Seventeen going on twenty-something, the past six years with their father’s business collapse, the cancer which finally led to his death, then the upheaval and move to America to live partly in the shadow of their aunt’s charity and favour, had made her world-weary beyond her years. Petite, quiet and studious, the extra age though didn’t show in her body or face, only in the sullen intensity in her eyes now and then; the same gaze she levelled now at Jac as she looked back up.
    ‘I suppose you’re right. She’s a determined old dog, even if often she aims to be well-meaning.’
    Jac smiled. ‘I think you give her too much credit. I think she enjoys turning the screws and watching people squirm. You should have just ended on “old dog” – just about hits the right note.’
    Jean-Marie chuckled. ‘Anyway, talking of “old dogs”, you certainly could do a lot worse than a date with Jennifer Bromwell. She’s quite cute, in fact – in a Britney Spears sort of way. “Hot” I think is the American term for it. Or is it “cool”? I forget now.’
    Jac fired a doubtful grimace. His sister no doubt knew the right term long ago, but he rode along with the tease.
    ‘Spoilt though, I suppose?’
    ‘No, didn’t seem it. I’ve only met her a couple of times when she came over to Camille’s with her father – but she seemed quite normal and approachable. She spoke to me and Mum for a bit, and she was very friendly.’
    ‘That’s probably just because she thinks we’re royalty.’ Jac couldn’t resist teasing back.
    ‘No, I don’t think so. I got the impression that for her that was all just a their-generation thing – Camille’s and her dad’s. Royalty and money. I don’t think she gives a damn about either – came across as a bit of a hippy in that respect. Or maybe just a silly idealist.’
    This time when Jean-Marie forced a smile, Jac couldn’t tell whether she was teasing or not. The lessons for them with money had come harder than most.
    Jac feigned a crestfallen look. ‘Oh, that’s a shame. I was hoping that with my royalty connections, I might get “lucky”. If that’s the American term?’
    Jean-Marie leant forward and lightly punched him on the arm. Few of their teasing jousts did she ever win, but the contests were becoming tighter as she got older.
    With the jolt, Jac instinctively stole another glance at his watch – the umpteenth time he’d done so since leaving Aunt Camille’s. Why hadn’t Stratton called yet? He’d expected his call to say he’d arrived at the hospital over an hour ago now.
    ‘Is it the same thing you were worried about earlier?’ Jean-Marie asked. ‘You know, the murder case you called about when we were at Camille’s.’
    ‘Yeah, the same.’
    ‘And is it just an also-ran case, like you said?’
    Jean-Marie knew him better than most, and from her tone he could tell that she’d read the earlier lie. No point in continuing it.
    ‘No, it’s quite a big case. But it’s only a clemency plea, and looks bound to fail. That’s why the senior partners have given it to me. So that when it goes down in flames, their reputations are well clear of any heat.’
    ‘And, as Aunt Camille asked – is it a case that anyone might know?’
    ‘Yes, it’s the Lawrence Durrant case.’ Jac said the words flatly, plainly, belying the gravity and intent they deserved. Perhaps because, by now, he’d become used to

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