
Free Evenstar by Darcy Town

Book: Evenstar by Darcy Town Read Free Book Online
Authors: Darcy Town
Apple.   “You do it.”
    She stuck her tongue out at him.   “You can’t make me and if you have him attack someone for their car, I’ll interfere.”
    Lucifer went red in the face.   “Appleadris, you are acting very immature.”
    “Me?”   She scoffed.   “Look at you!”
    Lucifer grimaced.   “I am going to speak with your father when we get to the City.”
    Apple folded her arms.   “Go right ahead.”
    Lucifer’s vision doubled.   “Shit.”
    Apple’s anger turned to concern.   “What’s wrong?”
    Lucifer shook his head.   “Nothing.”
    Berith was locked in place.   “You look worse.   I cannot help you unless you order me to or release me.”
    Lucifer clutched at the cloth that covered the hole in his chest.   It burned.   He threw his head back.   “I am fine.”   He broke out in a cold sweat.   His heart fluttered.
    Apple squirmed in Berith’s grip.   “No, you’re not.”
    “I just need a minute.   Berith, set her down.”   Lucifer put the pendant in his mouth and closed his eyes.   He fought back against the pain that hit him in waves.   His muscles contracted, paralyzing him.   Veins stood out on his skin; his breaths came in short gasps.   He pictured Dahlia’s face and her smile.   He thought of Michael, anything to take his mind off the pain.   He felt cool hands on his face.  
    Apple touched his brow.   “You need to get to my father and mother.”
    Lucifer shook his head and a whimper escaped his lips.   He put his hands on the pavement and pushed away from her.   The touch of his skin against the ground sent him into spasms of agony.   He rolled to his side and tried to slide away, but every movement was excruciating.
    Berith looked at him.   “ Please let us get you healed.   You can do whatever you want once you are whole again.”
    Apple touched his hand.   “If you stop struggling, we can get you there faster.”
    Lucifer nodded.   He couldn’t fight anymore.   He swallowed the pendant.   “You are released.”
    Berith sagged.   He picked Lucifer up.   “I’d hit you for that, but you’re suffering enough.”
    “Thank you.”   Lucifer leaned on him.   “Do you have to carry me like this?”
    “What way would you prefer?”
    Lucifer looked around and spotted a wheelbarrow.   “Put me in that.   I do not want to be carried like a helpless infant.”  
    “I got it.”   Apple ran for the wheelbarrow.
    Berith shifted his weight.   “You are helpless.”
    Lucifer glared at Berith.   He squeezed his eyes shut.   “Do not remind me.”
    Apple set the wheelbarrow down on the concrete.   A car went past them and pulled into the next driveway.   They were unnoticed.   Apple waited until the car was empty.   She walked to it and slipped inside.   She ripped out seat cushions and set them in the wheelbarrow.   Berith put Lucifer on top of them.  
    Apple and Berith shared a weary look.   Lucifer examined the car.   “Just steal it.”
    Apple shook her head.   “I can’t get us in the Lilliam lanes with that thing, and they’ve moved since last time I was here.”
    Lucifer eyed her.   “You do know where they are?”
    Apple shrugged.   “More or less, kind of.”   She quailed under his gaze.   “Okay we were not expecting to go this way!   So I didn’t check.   Tokala and Sani had this area mapped out and Sani—” She couldn’t finish her sentence.   Tears formed in her eyes.   Berith hugged her.
    Lucifer bit back a sharp response.   “I am sorry about Sani.”
    Apple dried her eyes and composed herself.   “I will find the lanes.”
    Another car turned down the street.   Berith picked up the wheelbarrow; they got out of the middle of the road.   The car picked up speed and raced by.   Iron bolts blanketed the sidewalk.  
    Berith jumped in front of Lucifer, taking most of the iron in his chest.   He growled and jumped after the car.   He got a hand on the trunk.   He unstrapped one of his

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