Passion of the Different

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Book: Passion of the Different by Daniel A Roberts Read Free Book Online
Authors: Daniel A Roberts
that with her forever, understanding at last that she was highly affectionate. This was simply who she was and it couldn't have made him happier. She finally slid back gently and she dabbed her face with the wash cloth, her big smile wide and inviting. “We best finish our bath,” she said and he nodded, returning the smile. “Or we won't get to town until lunch time.” They both laughed at the same time.
    The sun was just peeking over the horizon with a promise of warmth to come when they set out for Ocaza. He wore a dark green long sleeve shirt with a gold outline and matching pants. It was a button up and he left the two on top undone, which made a V neckline that they both agreed on as nice. She wore a matching dark green dress with the same outline, only her neckline was scooped in front and back, almost down off both shoulders. The skirt reached just past her knees. Her slippers matched his boots in that they were both dyed black with charcoal and starch, so it wouldn't rub off on their skin or clothes.
    Hand in hand, they set out for Ocaza with a casual, easy walk.

Chapter Seven - More Culture Shock

    Heads turned and sometimes a gasp could be heard. Ryan watched the people as closely as he regarded the buildings of the city. A combination of brick, wood and glass along with cobbled stone streets told him much about the locals. Just like Myra's house, every line ended with a delicate wisp and curl, all the colors light or bright and no black or dark browns what so ever. The darkest color was seen only in some clothing, and it was always a shade of green.
    The four guards walked in formation before them, bright gold ribbons on their raised spear heads denoted the presence of somebody important. Somebody to regard with respect, and the effect was just what Vendegal had hoped. The garrison commander rode far to the rear and judged the overall reaction of the crowd from a higher than normal vantage point.
    Myra had her chin up and a triumphant smile plastered on her lovely face, holding hands with her naturally intimidating husband. She could see instant envy in some of the wealthiest women down to the laundry ladies who worked for rich households. Take that , she thought to all of them, knowing how much they all snickered behind her back for years. I found somebody taller than me no matter what you thought! And he's handsome too!
    They made a turn and headed for a large building that had wide open double doors. It was easy to see many tables inside and a lot of people being served food, and the sign with flowing meaningless script to Ryan's eyes must have been the name of the establishment.
    The guards parted, two to a side and spun smartly on their heels and posted themselves to each side of the open doors. As they stepped up and into the building, all sounds of activity stopped. Heads turned and a short thin man in light red and blue fancy robes bustled forward, a smile on his elderly face. He had been one of the few prepared ahead of time for who was coming and what he would look like. He made the announcement loud enough so all could hear in the large dining area with an orator's professional twang. “Lord Za'Ryan of House Ven'Krue and his wife, Lady Myra of House Ven'Krue! Welcome to The Morning Dew!”
    Many heads bowed in acknowledgment and the talking resumed, and the greeter told them in a more normal tone, “Please, this way. You're expected.” He led them to a side room packed with a dozen armed soldiers, sitting and drinking at their tables. Their helmets were dangling off the chair posts. Heads snapped up, pairs of yellow gold, some lavender but mostly dark eyes gave them a once over. There were three empty chairs at the head of the longest table and they were directed to the two places opposite of the head chair.
    None of their plates had food on them, just a few bowls of nuts for casual munching before the main breakfast was served. As Ryan sat himself down, he noticed several of them giving their

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