Passion of the Different

Free Passion of the Different by Daniel A Roberts

Book: Passion of the Different by Daniel A Roberts Read Free Book Online
Authors: Daniel A Roberts
leeway, but you put the fear of death into him for sure. He even said you threw him twenty feet into the wagon, of all things.”
    Ryan sighed back, then took the time to tell the tale and left nothing out including the final toss into the wagon. He ended his narration with a warning however. “I have no reason to give an untruth, Lord Vendegal. That man is to understand that he will get his taxes on time and the amount we settle on, but if he's not polite to Myra and makes to put hand to her again, it will be the worse for him. Can you make that crystal clear to his face?”
    “I suppose I can tell him,” Vendegal pondered, and this time Ryan's features grew slightly grim and determined.
    “I can go to Ocaza and make it clear to him myself, if need be,” the large man offered, knowing what the reaction might be and was correct.
    Both mailed palms went out to him at chest level as if to stop him from moving forward. “Goodness no,” Vendegal exclaimed, growing afraid. “Don't go to Ocaza. At least not yet, please. You would panic all five thousand citizens at first sight. You're a mere rumor to only a few, most haven't the faintest idea you exist.”
    “Is there something you can do about that?” Myra asked. Her features were hopeful and proud at the same time. She added her infectious smile and Vendegal agreed quickly.
    “Yes Lady Myra, I can do something about that, but I will need some time.” The garrison commander seemed to hesitate a moment before continuing. “Give me a week to spread the word and put up a poster in the main forum with details. I need to describe him very carefully and set a date for the arrival. That way we can keep any upset or fearful reactions to a minimum.”
    “Agreed,” Ryan replied, a grin spreading on his features. Soon this mysterious town would know of him and he would know of them, and it would make life for them both so much easier. He nodded his head to Vendegal much like the commander did to Myra when he first arrived. The nod was returned as he remounted the horse, picked the reins up from where he tied them to the saddle.
    “I'll send a messenger with the date and time,” he said to them both, then saluted with his right hand over his heart. After taking a long last look at Ryan, he wheeled his horse and kicked it into a gallop towards Ocaza.

Chapter Six - Invitation

    He was a young lad, no more than his early teens and his big gold eyes were riveted on Ryan as he was hauling bushels of corn. He sat on the fast horse in a crouch, ready to gallop off if the frightening large guy made a run towards him. Myra came out of the cottage and gave him a polite nod. The moment the message was in her hand the young fellow turned his horse and got out of there, head buzzing with the story of how he saw the giant first.
    Her eyes flew over the script and she called out, “Lord Za'Ryan, it's here!” His head swiveled, long curly brown hair swishing. He placed the bushel basket down and hurried over where she was waving the message.
    “When?” was his tired reply. He had thrown himself into getting the crop harvested before the second planting season was over, which made the difference between going hungry during the winter or not.
    “Tomorrow morning,” she exclaimed, bright lavender eyes twinkling from the excitement. “I'm so glad I finished your new set of clothes, I made them just for this event.” He grinned at his wife and enjoyed her energy even when he was tired from hard work. He looked up and regarded the position of the sun and came to a quick decision.
    “I better clean up and call it quits for this afternoon,” he replied evenly. “I want to be in decent shape in the morning so I don't look bedraggled.”
    Myra laughed as they headed inside, a pretty sound that always made him start to laugh with her. “You?” she accused playfully. “I don't think you could look bedraggled ever.” She flicked the paper at him again and finished giving him the gist of

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