Consumed (Dark Protectors)

Free Consumed (Dark Protectors) by Rebecca Zanetti

Book: Consumed (Dark Protectors) by Rebecca Zanetti Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rebecca Zanetti
Neither will I.”
    “I didn’t mean hide. Just move to an undisclosed location.” Frustration lined Lance’s face. “We’ll come up with a plan, find this guy, and destroy him. Together.”
    Jordan smoothed the photographs into a pile. “No. Call it hiding, call it moving ... either way, you’re flying to headquarters in an hour.”
    Anger heated Katie’s ears. Her squad understood her ... they trusted her. Jordan wanted her to run without even discussing the matter. “I’m not afraid of this guy.” She kept her tone level as she told the lie.
    “Don’t care. Until the next full moon, I’m your Alpha, and I’m ordering you to Realm Headquarters.” Jordan tossed her a notepad and pen. “Write down anyone you’ve spent time with the last few years. Mainly men, but we don’t want to rule out women. This stalker might not be selective.”
    His absolute refusal to listen wiped away the anger, leaving hurt. Yet she still owed him, and would go to Realm Headquarters in an effort to help him find a way to beat the moon. Then she’d return to hunting down werewolves until not one remained. “A werewolf stalker.” She shook her head. “How is it possible Brent killed these people? I mean, how could he have gotten to the cop?”
    Lance flipped open his phone to read. “Police report. Says there was a firefight in a northern bayou, bodies fell into the marsh. Animals tore up the detective pretty good by the time the authorities found him and fished him out.”
    Bile rose in Katie’s throat. She gagged and swallowed repeatedly. Torn up by animals? Damn Brent. “I don’t believe this.”
    Fury lifted Jordan’s lip. “Either Brent or his picture-taking buddy has to be responsible.” The lion gestured to the neatly stacked pile of photographs. “All three men who died are in those pictures.”
    As were several other people. Katie sucked in a deep breath to keep from puking.
    Lance eyed the photographs. “Realm Headquarters is too obvious. We need to get you somewhere off the grid while we figure this out.”
    Jordan kept his gaze on the photos as if by staring the answers would come clear. “No. Headquarters is secure ... and we need more blood tests. Katie goes with me.”
    “You mean the headquarters in Oregon ? Not exactly a big secret.” Lance reached to pat her hand, his palm warm and comforting. “Besides, the virus in your blood makes you unstable, Jordan.”
    Jordan pushed off the fridge, his lids lowering.
    Panic swept down Katie’s throat. “Jordan’s fine. Emma will cure him and that’ll be the end of the virus.”
    “Right.” Lance tightened his hold. “We’ve fought together, Katie. We’re a team. Baye and I can keep you safe.”
    Jordan snarled. “You and Baye didn’t even know she was being followed, much less stalked and photographed. How the hell can you keep her safe?” His hand swept the photographs, sending several flying.
    Katie swallowed. Lance had saved her butt, more than once. They were a good team. For the first time, indecision regarding her path had her faltering. She was a good hunter. But she’d wanted Jordan her entire life. If nothing else, she owed him and would try to help him survive the virus.
    Baye watched the interplay, no expression on his face.
    Lance released her, standing to glare at Jordan. “How safe is she with you?”
    Jordan’s nostrils flared. “I won’t hurt her.”
    Disbelief had the tiger’s brows lifting. “Really? Why do I find that hard to believe?”
    Jordan charged, hands fisting in Lance’s shirt and shoving the man against the wall.
    Face-to-face, furious, both males snarled low. Raw energy and power vibrated around the apartment. Panic rushed to Katie’s legs.
    She jumped toward them, slapping a hand on the biceps of the deadly cats. “You knock it off, right now.” That was all she needed. The men in her life coming to blows. There were too many Alpha males in her business. Damn heroes thought they could control the world

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