The Recruit

Free The Recruit by Monica Mccarty

Book: The Recruit by Monica Mccarty Read Free Book Online
Authors: Monica Mccarty
she seemed perfectly forgettable. Almost
perfectly forgettable. There was something fine in her delicate features that seemed
     obscured. An echo of beauty that could not be completely erased.
    He wished he could see her eyes better. And her hair. Though from the light golden
     brown of her softly arched brows, he suspected it was blond.
    There was no reason in Hades why this slight, bland woman who looked about the farthest
     thing from wicked could be inspiring him.
    He’d wanted to shock her. See a flush rise to those pale cheeks. Rattle the prim and
     serious from her laced-up-tight exterior. Give her a performance to remember.
    She seemed entranced by Lady Moira’s pleasure, as if she’d never seen anything like
     it. Realizing she probably hadn’t, he’d set out to instruct her. He always saw to
     his bedmates’ pleasure, but he extended it, drew it out, purposefully touched Lady
     Moira in places that were sure to shock.
    And they did. But to his surprise, they also aroused.
of them. When the little voyeur’s breath sharpened and started to quicken, he felt
     his body respond. Everything felt a little hotter, and a hell of a lot harder.
    He couldn’t believe it—the wee drab wren was turning him on.
    Hell, if he’d known how much fun it would be to havesomeone watching him, he would have done this a long time ago.
    Anticipation built inside him. He was tempted to drag it out longer, but he couldn’t
     wait to see how she reacted to what he was going to do next. She was going to like
     this. Nearly as much as Lady Moira did.
    He buried himself full hilt, reached down between Lady Moira’s legs, and stroked her
     until she started to come. She cried out her pleasure in a soft, keening wail.
    But he kept his gaze on the wicked, wee interloper the entire time. He watched her
     face soften, her lips part, and her eyes fill with such naked longing he would have
     given anything at that moment to be the one to give her the pleasure she craved.
. His stomach muscles clenched, fighting against the jolt of lust. He hadn’t expected
     this. Hadn’t expected it to affect him so much. But watching the sensual awakening
     on her face, the combination of shock and desire—unwilling desire—was one of the most
     erotic things he’d ever beheld.
    He was no longer in doubt that he would be able to come.
    Who would have ever thought that beneath such a dull, listless exterior lay the dormant
     passion of a wanton?
    The lass was completely unaware of what she was doing to him. But he wanted her to
     know. He wanted her to look at him.
    Finally, she did.
    At first he’d been annoyed by Lady Moira’s request to take off his shirt, feeling
     a little bit like a stallion at market. But he was glad for it now. Glad he could
     see the open admiration and innocent hunger as the woman’s gaze roamed every inch
     of his bare skin.
    Aye, she wanted him. But what surprised him was that he also wanted her. How he wished
     it was her that he was buried deep inside of right now.
    When their eyes met, he let her see exactly what he wasthinking. Her eyes looked huge behind the two pieces of glass, and they widened even
     farther when she felt the force of his lust. It wrapped around them, coiling, tightening,
     drawing them together as if there were no one else in the world.
    His blood was pounding hard now. He could feel the sensations gathering at the base
     of his spine and knew he wasn’t going to be able to last much longer.
    Without thinking about what he was doing, but knowing that he didn’t want anything—or
     anyone—between them, he pulled out of the woman beneath him and fisted his hand around
     himself. Holding the other woman’s gaze, he started to stroke himself. He imagined
     it was her gripping him. Her tight, wet heat pulling him over the edge. The eager
     expression on her face made it easy.
    He groaned, his hand quickening the pace. Every muscle in his body clenched with anticipation.

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