Rescue Party
sex,” Dean said.
    “I’d never have known it either. Crazy flood.” She shook her head. “It’s insane. A four-way relationship. Love is complicated enough with two people.”
    “So we have to be extra honest about what we need, want and fear. We screwed up with the parties. But just because it’s not a normal relationship doesn’t mean we can’t make it work.” Steve rubbed her shoulder.
    “You really think this can work?” she asked.
    “We love you. Of course, it can work.” Clay shrugged. “If you want to go to a party and see for yourself, we’re not going to touch anyone else.”
    “Well, Dean and Steve have been together for a long time. I feel as if they just added us. So now it’s a closed group? No adding other men or women? How wild could this get?” she asked Clay.
    Dean cupped her face in his hands. “I know it’s weird and fast. But no, we’re not adding anyone else. Some groups have five people, but the bottom line is we were patiently waiting for the right woman to make this a family. Clay was dumb luck, and we’re thrilled. We weren’t looking for just anyone. We were waiting for the right ones.”
    He kissed her, and Steve nuzzled her neck. Clay’s hand slid over Kacy’s breast, and Dean braced for a push back or slap from their lady. Instead, she sighed and leaned back.
    “Too fast?” Dean asked. “We can slow things down. Stay with us. If and when you’re ready for a party, we’ll take you. No one plays with anyone outside our group. And as things get more serious, you can tell us you love us.”
    She shook her head. “I already know I love you three. It makes no sense, but I can’t argue with my heart.”
    Steve stole a kiss, and Clay followed with a longer, teasing embrace.
    “So you’ll stay?” Dean asked.
    “Yes, but we can take our time and be sure it’s working before we announce it to the world, okay? I need to be absolutely positive this is right for me before I break this news to my family.” She rubbed her forehead.
    “Don’t worry about a thing.” Clay kissed her cheek. “I’ll get that suitcase out of the driveway.”
    “You guys are crazy. I want to try a party to see the truth. I’m not promising I’ll do anything there.” She hugged Dean, kissing him then Steve.
    “You got it. You’re a lot wilder than anyone ever imagined. Lucky us.” Dean inhaled her scent and knew he’d never let her go. Whatever came up, they’d fight for the group together. She was on board and loved them.

    Chapter Six
    It was another week before anyone had a party. The fact that Kacy hadn’t changed her mind made Clay seriously hope this would work out. He stuck close to her as they mingled. He’d told his cousins he was moving out but hadn’t made a big deal about it within the group.
    Kacy wanted to take things slow, and she might jump to the conclusion Clay had told his family in order to convince her he was serious. Tonight she was in a subtle bronze and black printed dress that showed off her curves and cleavage while still looking classy.
    “How many of these have you been to?” she asked.
    “A few. I didn’t know what to expect the first time, but it’s really relaxed.” He could tell by her darting eyes and how she fidgeted with her bracelet she was nervous.
    “I know people here.”
    “It’s your hometown, of course you do. The weird part is I saw one of my aunts and her husband at one.” Clay shook his head. “But we’re all adults, and I’d never have tried men if I didn’t come to one.”
    “You really love Dean and Steve.” She smiled.
    Clay spotted them chatting with the host. “As much as you do. I’m new to the group thing, but with you and them, I feel totally different.”
    “Different how?” she asked.
    “No urge to leave the relationship or move on. Before, I was never settled or content. I always wanted to know what else was out there. High school, the Army Reserve and even coming home were about not being able

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