The Keepsake (Love at the Crossroads)

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Book: The Keepsake (Love at the Crossroads) by Pat Simmons Read Free Book Online
Authors: Pat Simmons
any alone time with this man for him to try and worm his way back into her life. She pulled out her cell phone from her purse and acted as if she were answering a call, instead of tapping in Solae’s name.
    “I need a favor,” Desi said, taking her keys out the ignition.
    “O-okay, what’s going on?”
    “I’m about to meet with the pastor. Wouldn’t you know it? I arrived at the same time as my soon-to-be ex-husband. Now, he’s standing nearby waiting for me to get out. I don’t want to talk to him unless we’re in a conference.”
    “Gotcha. Chat away, sister.” Solae giggled.
    Desi smiled as she stepped out and waved at Michael, then proceeded to walk ahead of him. “I know it’s childish, considering I showed up on his job to let him know about the meeting instead of texting him. Girl, I am so confused. This whole affair has me acting out of character.”
    “I think you still love him,” her friend quietly said.
    “Well, I did vow to until death do us part, and had every intention…” she paused as Michael’s footsteps caught up with hers, so he could open the door for her. Desi nodded her thanks. It appeared that he wasn’t going to give her any privacy. He had the nerve to smile at her, then cap it off with a wink as if he was aware of her ploy.
    Any other time, his gesture would have excited her and made her blush. But the reality of them heading to the pastor’s office was evidence that she didn’t hold exclusive rights to his affection. Desi scrunched her nose at him. She cleared her throat and turned her attention back to her phone conversation. “Well, I’m almost at his office.”
    “Okay, talk to you later. Pray and play nice.”
    Michael once again displayed his chivalry when he knocked on Pastor Reed’s door then opened it for her.
    “Thanks.” She entered and took her seat. Lord, no matter what I hear today, help me to be Christ-like, she coaxed herself.
    Standing, Pastor Reed smiled as he eyed both of them. “Let’s begin with a word of prayer. Oh, heavenly Father in the name of Jesus, we come to Your throne. Lord, only You know the outcome of this marriage, but I ask that You mend their hearts and minds. Lord, may You receive the glory in all things. In Jesus’ name.”
    “Amen,” they all said in unison.
    “Now, is there anything that either of you would like to say?” he asked, rocking back in his chair.
    “Can I be blunt?” Desi asked the pastor.
    “That is why we’re here, Sister Bishop.”
    She took a deep breath. “Michael, I believe you are sorry. I accept your apology. However, I don’t know how we could ever be together again. If you kissed me, I would wonder who was the better kisser, me—the wife or her—the mistress. If we were to have sex, I would wonder who you enjoyed the intimacy with the most, what you whispered to her…” Desi teared up, she hated to admit it, but she wanted Michael to know she would always feel second best because evidently in his mind, their marriage wasn’t worth fighting for.
    “Thank you, Sister Bishop.” Pastor Reed looked to Michael. “Brother Bishop, while the affair was going on, how was your relationship with your wife?”
    “I loved her, but the guilt was starting to build. I knew I was cheating her out of one hundred percent of me—”
    “Please tell me you weren’t doing double duty, sexing her and them coming to contaminate me.” She gritted her teeth. Jesus, help me not to snap again. “Sorry, but I have to ask, how could you? How could you have sex with me knowing whose bed or back seat you’d crawled from?”
    Michael leaped from his chair, startling her. Pastor Reed didn’t seem fazed by his sudden movement. “Desi, you have no idea how many times the guilt was eating away at me and how it was causing me to distance myself from the woman I loved…”
    “Humph.” She twisted her lips and folded her arms to keep her hands to herself this time.
    “We never had any secrets, even when we were

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