The Keepsake (Love at the Crossroads)

Free The Keepsake (Love at the Crossroads) by Pat Simmons

Book: The Keepsake (Love at the Crossroads) by Pat Simmons Read Free Book Online
Authors: Pat Simmons
living, but God loves you enough to discipline you so you can see Him. Repent of your sins. Be sincere with Jesus and then step out in the aisle and make your way to the front. We will pray for you and baptize you in the only name under heaven whereby you can be saved—Jesus. Once you’re clean, the Lord will equip you with His Holy Ghost power to keep you on the straight and narrow. Won’t you come today?”
    The presence of the Lord was in the place as He began to stir the crowd. People heeded the call in a mob-like fashion. Desi’s eyes watered and spirit quickened each time a candidate was submerged under water. More stood in the pool waiting their turn.
    One minister lifted his arm. “My dear brothers and sisters, upon the confession of your faith and the confidence that we have in the blessed Word of God, concerning His death, burial and Grand Resurrection, we now baptize you in the name of Jesus for the remission of your sins and you shall receive the Holy Ghost in the same manner as those in the Book of Acts…”  
    Not long after that, the offering was collected and the benediction given. Desi chatted with Solae, then made a pit stop to the ladies room. When she came out, Pastor Reed was standing nearby speaking with a member. He had ended his conversation and called her name as she opened the door to the parking lot.
    “Praise the Lord, Pastor,” Desi greeted.
    “Praise the Lord, Sister Bishop. If you have time, I would like to schedule another meeting with you and Brother Bishop,” he said in a hushed tone.
    Desi cringed and was slow in responding. Although she had her emotions under wraps, she couldn’t help but recall her actions during the last meeting. She nodded. “I want to apologize again for my behavior. I’ll be more respectful this time.”
    “I’ll have the church secretary check my schedule for something this week. Should I contact Brother Bishop?”
    She was about to say yes, then suddenly changed her mind. Michael’s texts and voicemails had dwindled to one or two a week. “No, I’ll let him know.”
    “Very well. Talk with you then.”
    The next day, the secretary called Desi with a time on Friday. Instead of texting or calling Michael, she decided to pay him another visit at his electronics store.
    As she pulled into the parking lot and was getting out her car, the man who introduced himself as Byron strolled by her.
    “Well, hello, pretty lady.” He grinned as his eyes roamed over her body. “Is Michael still your estranged husband?” When she didn’t answer, he quickly added, “I’m divorced myself. I understand the pain and longing you must be going through…”
    Desi kept a game face.  If this man was fishing, he had come to the wrong pond. “That’s good to know.” She tried to walk around him, but he fell in step.
    “Here’s my card. You can call me any time.”
    Out of nowhere Byron’s card was snatched out of his hand before she could decline.
    “She won’t be needing any of your services.” Michael glared at his worker. Losing some unspoken challenge, Byron excused himself and walked inside the store with a cocky swagger.
    Placing her hand on her hip, she eyed Michael. “What are you doing?”
    “Isn’t it obvious? I’m fighting for my wife.” He didn’t blink as he towered over her.
    How could she tell him the fight was over? He had lost the battle. “I’m not interested in a man who doesn’t respect the boundaries of marriage. I introduced myself to him as estranged, not divorced yet. He didn’t respect that.” Although she was referring to Byron, when Michael flinched, she realized her words also applied to him.
    Michael opened his mouth, then shut it. The frown he had earlier during his exchange with Byron was now gone. His expression softened as he smiled at her. Desi couldn’t help but smile back, but she kept her guard up. The thrill was gone. Michael had made sure of that.
    “I’m glad to see you. Is something wrong?”

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