Circe's Recruits 4: Hale

Free Circe's Recruits 4: Hale by Marie Harte

Book: Circe's Recruits 4: Hale by Marie Harte Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marie Harte
Tags: Multiple Partners
ecstasy as warmth surrounded his shaft.
    At first, the shouts and the begging were for him to pull out and stop. To cease with the burning thrusts splitting the man in two. But as McKinley rocked faster, his lover begged for more. Apparently, his prey liked fisting, and he liked his sex rough, his lovers big and kinky. Eager to fuck and be done with the sense of wrongness in being here, McKinley shoved himself deeper and deeper, until his balls smacked his prey's ass. But as he fucked his way to a second, stronger orgasm, it was Hale Rogers's ass he took, and Paige's face he saw.

Chapter Six

    Hale poured another cup of coffee, his nerves stretched taut. He'd spent the past few hours watching Paige sleep and wondering about her. She'd slept like a baby, which surprised him. After the ordeal they'd gone through, he would have expected a bad dream or restless slumber. But she'd curled up on the pillow and hadn't moved, even when he'd gotten up from beside her on the bed and left his room.
    “Yo, Hale. Where've you been?” Derrick asked as he entered the dining area. “You look like crap.”
    Trust Derrick to tell it like he saw it.
    The back door opened, and in moments, Ace and Zack joined them. The pair wore workout clothes and looked way too cheerful for eight in the morning.
    “Hale, how goes it?” Zack asked with a smile.
    Hale grunted and took a swallow of dark coffee.
    Ace and Zack exchanged a glance. “That good, hmm?” Ace took a step closer and sniffed him. “Well, well. I'd say our boy is just fine. I smell female all over him. About time you found some pussy, playboy.”
    It was on the tip of his tongue to say something mean, when he caught Derrick shaking his head. Since both Zack and Ace weren't the most stable Circs during their mate's pregnancy, Hale decided to save his obnoxious comments for later.
    He sighed, and Derrick relaxed. “That's not just any female you smell. That's Paige Masters. We almost had a run-in with some Circs last night.” Roane entered the room just then. “What?”
    “I was out driving and decided to go back to Paige's house.”
    “Under whose authority?” Roane crossed his arms over his chest.

    “What do you mean, whose authority? Doc wants to see Paige. I went out and found her.”
    “Without anyone else.” Roane stepped closer, and Hale stood to defend himself.
    “You could have been hurt or captured, dickhead. You know that area was swarming with mutants and rogue Circs just two nights ago. What the hell were you thinking?”
    “That I don't need to ask permission to leave the fucking house,” Hale snarled and shoved Roane back.
    Everyone stared in shock. No one challenged Roane's leadership. They never had, not in the eight years they'd been together. And especially not Hale, Roane's best friend.
    But Hale couldn't contain his anger. He was pissed that Paige was in danger, that his female hadn't yet submitted more than her body. That she still clung to McKinley…
    Throughout the night, Hale had been plagued with thoughts of Robbie as well. Odd, lustful, violent thoughts that made him hard and made him want to tear into someone.
    He didn’t want the creature tied up in front of him. He wanted Paige. He wanted Hale.
    Not blood and sex, but love. Another burst of ecstasy filled him as he released his seed…
    “Hale, snap out of it, dammit.” Roane shoved him into his seat and waved his hand before his face.
    “Wh-what?” All around him, his brothers looked concerned. Hale wiped a hand over his face. “What's wrong?”
    “ You’re wrong,” Derrick said. “You looked ready to go toe-to-toe with Roane, and then your eyes rolled back in your head, and you nearly cracked your thick skull on the floor. Roane caught you.”
    “Don't thank me,” Roane growled. He poked Hale hard in the chest and sat down next to him. The others sat as well. “You tell me every damned thing that happened last night. Now .”
    “Now, Hale,” Doc agreed as he

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