Circe's Recruits 4: Hale

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Book: Circe's Recruits 4: Hale by Marie Harte Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marie Harte
Tags: Multiple Partners
    Derrick nodded. “Has to do with those weird-ass dreams you've been having lately, I'll bet.”
    “ What ?”
    “You talk in your sleep, hoss. And the name Paige is one you've mumbled a time or two.”
    “Hale Rogers, you and I need to have a talk.” Doc opened his mouth, no doubt to blast Hale with another lecture about full disclosure, when Paige walked into the kitchen. “Paige?” Doc whispered.
    “I'm sorry. I'm intruding. I should—”
    “Stay.” Hale hurried from his seat to intercept her. “Please. Come and meet Doc, so the rest of them will leave me the hell alone.” She regarded him with a curious half smile, and his beast purred with satisfaction.
    She’s here, and she’s mine.
    “Paige, I'd like you to meet Evan Dennis, our Doc. Doc, this is Paige Masters,” Hale said. “I believe she's your niece.”
    Hale had to pull her closer to meet Doc. She ignored the other Circs, her attention riveted on her uncle.
    “You know, you look exactly like your mother,” Doc whispered. Tears filled his blue eyes, and Hale felt a pang for the mild-mannered man.
    “I do? I've never seen a picture of her. They wouldn't let me have one when I asked. And I used to ask a lot.”
    Doc quickly stood. “I think I have one in my study. Would you like to sit down and talk for a while? Would you mind?”
    Paige turned to Hale. To his relief, she didn't seem panicked or upset, just unsure of herself.
    “Go on.” Hale gently pushed her toward Doc. “He can answer a lot of questions for you. And he is your uncle, you know.”
    She bit her lower lip, looking at him as if he had all the answers, then turned and followed Doc from the room. Hale watched her go, his heart full at just the sight of her.
    When he turned around, it was to find his friends staring at him with shit-eating grins.
    “What the hell are you looking at?”
    Derrick burst into laughter. “Oh man. Playboy's finally fallen. That was priceless.”
    “What are you talking about?”
    “Dude, you were looking at her with that lovesick expression Zack makes when he stares at Kelly,” Ace said with a chuckle.
    “Ass.” Zack elbowed him.

    “Doc's niece, hmm?” Roane drawled. “So that's why you've been so different lately.”
    “I'm not different.” Hale cursed them and sat back down again, cradling his coffee, which was growing cold. “Paige needs some help, that's all.”
    “Oh, I'm sure you're helping her, all right.” Derrick smirked. “I bet you helped her a helluva lot last night. No wonder you've been moaning and groaning during the night the past few weeks. Wet dreams about a hot blonde, eh?”
    “Fuck off, D.” Embarrassment seared him. God, he'd been calling Paige's name out while he slept. What if he'd mentioned McKinley as well?
    “Man, I don't need to fuck off, not with the hottest mate in the world in my bed.”
    “Thanks so much for the reference,” Sabrina said dryly as she entered the room with Caitlyn and Kelly on her heels.
    “Oh, ah, hey, baby,” Derrick covered lamely and greeted his mate with a kiss.
    Every damned one of the Circ females shot Hale cheeky grins. The torment would never end.
    “So, Hale's finally found his true love, hmm? Who is she?” Kelly asked as she waddled to her mates. At only five months, her belly had grown to the size of a watermelon, and Hale wondered if she might be carrying twins.
    “She's Paige Masters, Doc's niece. But she's not my mate, my true love, my anything. God, you people are annoying.” Hale muttered under his breath and swallowed more coffee. His eyes felt gritty, his head ached, and he felt sluggish all of a sudden.
    “You need some z's,” Roane said.
    Hale turned, unnerved to find Roane's piercing gaze centered on him. “I'm fine.”
    “You're exhausted. Lemme help you to your room.” The threat was there. Shit .
    Hale didn't want to answer more questions when he didn't have any answers. Was Paige Masters his mate? No, because if she was, then McKinley had

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