
Free Deeper by Blue Ashcroft

Book: Deeper by Blue Ashcroft Read Free Book Online
Authors: Blue Ashcroft
shadow on my eyelid.
    “What about him?” She isn’t nearly as excited to talk about him as she was to talk about Knight.
    “Just wanted to know?” Truthfully, Chad seems pretty harmless, and I’m thinking I could probably use him to keep Knight off. I’m not in any danger of falling in love with Chad. Harmless Chad.
    “He’s just very average. Average guy. Average rep. Freshman in college at a state school. Off for the summer, like you. I don’t know why we are even talking about him.” She gets more shadow on a brush and blows the excess off. “He just broke up with Di, one of the front desk workers.”
    “Oh yeah. Knight thought I was one when he first met me at the bonfire?”
    “You were at the bonfire? Why didn’t I see you there?”
    “I was pretty low profile. Just trying to get the hang of things.”
    “Here.” She holds up a mirror in a compact and I’m shocked. My eyes look bigger, wider, and with the dark smoky eye look she’s given me, really sultry.
    “Not sure this is what I should be wearing to a work party.” I blink, glad she didn’t insist on mascara. “Seems pretty heavy.”
    “Nah, never. She who is prettiest has the power.”
    “I guess that’s you then.” I stand and stretch, unable to keep still anymore. “Can we go now?”
    “Didn’t know you were in such a rush. But no, we have to pick outfits.”

    An agonizing hour later, we’re finally pulling up in front of Chad’s place. It’s not a big house, maybe 3 or 4 bedrooms, packed with teenagers. “Does he live with his folks?”
    “No. Just shares with Jason, one of the other guards.”
    “Isn’t that expensive?”
    She shrugs. “Chad’s parents have money. They still want him to work, but he just has to pay for school, not rent. Same as me.”
    I nod. It’s foreign to me. Last year, my first year of college, I paid all of my own bills. “That must be nice.”
    “It is.” She looks over at the house. She’s wearing a pink sleeveless blouse that gathers at the waist, and tiny jean shorts that barely cover the essentials. Plus strappy wedges.
    I look over at the house with her and see she isn’t the exception. The guards really go all out. Maybe because it’s nice to actually dress up once in a while rather than always seeing each other in wet hair and swimsuits.
    I look down at my own outfit. Black halter that ties at my neck. Jean shorts like Amy’s, from her closet. I’m taller than her but I’m skinnier too. So they fit. Barely. She assures me this is the point. My hair is back, but the ponytail is ratted to give it volume. She talked me into stilettos with narrow straps over the front. Said I had legs to die for.
    I’m just glad they’re long so I can run away really fast if I need to. I wonder if I can sneak back out here and hide in the car when she’s not looking. How is anyone supposed to look me in the eye tomorrow after this?
    I did put a touch of my own. Small silver earrings. Hearts. William gave them to me. I never liked them, but they’re a great reminder. I rub my fingers over them for a moment, trying to put myself in the right frame of mind. Not allowed to have too much fun.
    They’ll keep me out of trouble tonight. Speaking of trouble, I gaze around the crowd outside, searching for Knight.
    “Looking for someone?” Amy grins at me, then nods to the front door, where Knight is coming into view.
    Oh man, screw the earrings. I’m in so much trouble.
    I start at the bottom and work my way up. High end flip flops encasing perfect, tan feet. Jeans different from the ones he wears to work. These are designer, dark wash, with embellishments and little tears in fashionable places. They emphasize his long legs and tight thighs, and hug his hips. He’s wearing a partially tucked in button up plaid shirt that hangs a bit loose in the right places and is nice and tight on his pecs. He’s also wearing a leather cuff and a watch, and has an earring in. I didn’t know he had one. He takes a

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