Immortal Secrets

Free Immortal Secrets by Jerry Moore

Book: Immortal Secrets by Jerry Moore Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jerry Moore
Care waiting room.
    Allison must have seen how completely freaked out I was. She put her hand on mine. “It’s going to be okay, I promise.”
    I could only manage one word. “How?”
    “Patience, I promise you’ll get your answers.”
    We waited for almost an hour with no word. Finally, a middle aged white male doctor named Sharpe came out to see us. He had a puzzled look on his face.
    He sat down and rubbed his forehead. “Now , Miss Wilson, we have an interesting situation here tonight.”
    I tried to sound surprised. “Really, so Brenda is still breathing?”
    He nodded his head. “Yes, she is more than breathing. She has shown marked improvement. Improvement that quite frankly shouldn’t be possible.”
    I couldn’t help it. “You mean sort of like a miracle?”
    He smiled. “Well, it’s the closest thing to a miracle that I’ve ever seen. The bottom line is that your friend seems to have healed the very worst of her internal injuries. She has a better than average chance of surviving this.”
    Allison sounded shocked. “Really, we had almost given up hope. Can we see her now?”
    The doctor held up his hand. “I would prefer that she not have any visitors until tomorrow. We had been allowing unlimited visitation when we believed she wasn’t going to pull through. We just didn’t see any harm in it. However, the situation has changed and Brenda needs her rest.”
    I sighed. “I see. Well, I guess we will head home in a little while then.”
    The doctor patted me on the knee. “That would be for the best, you can see her in the morning.”
    It was almost midnight when Allison and I walked out of the hospital. We caught the hospital shuttle bus to our parking lot. Allison walked over to a blue Mustang Convertible and got in. I just stared. I love mustangs. I hate cheerleaders but love Mustangs. I was conflic ted by a cheerleader driving a M ustang.
    She got back out. “Are you going to get in my car or what?”
    I got in. “I love it.”
    Allison threw her head back. “It’s what all the hot cheerleaders are driving.”
    I had to ask. “Were you really a cheerleader?”
    “No, that’s just a rumor. It’s a rumor that I started, but it’s just a rumor.”
    As we drove out of the parking lot, I saw another set of headlights barreling out of the parking lot behind us. Apparently, my marshal friends had been caught flat footed. It was the first time I had actually seen any evidence of their existence with my own eyes.
    Allison noticed them too. “I see you noticed your friends.”
    Alright, it was going to be a car chase. “Are you going to try and lose them?”
    She shook her head. “That wouldn’t be the prudent thing to do. Trying to lose them would only make them suspicious.”
    “So where are we headed?”
    “Dr. Greene’s house. As far as anyone else is concerned, we’re friends of Brenda’s meeting up to celebrate the fact that she is doing better.”
    That reminded me that I needed to call Tina with an update. I left out the part about all of us meeting at Dr. Greene’s home. I promised to talk to her tomorrow. We pulled up in front of a house that was also in Tech Terrace. In fact, it was only about six blocks from where I lived. It really wasn’t surprising though. Dr. Greene probably picked this house for the same reasons that Jenny picked ours. It was close to the campus without being right on the campus.
    Dr. Greene met us at the front door. He didn’t seem as interesting as he had before. “Do come in, ladies.”
    As soon as I walked in, I found myself in Jeff’s arms and he gave me a big hug. “Everything go okay after we left?”
    “It went great.” I gave him a long kiss with plenty of tongue action. I didn’t care who was watching. “Thank you for saving her.”
    Jeff seemed uncomfortable with gratitude. “Um, why don’t we all sit down? That way we can all talk.”
    Allison gave Jeff an icy stare. “So we’re talking again?”
    Jeff returned her gaze. “We

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