Better Deeds Than Words (Words#2)

Free Better Deeds Than Words (Words#2) by Georgina Guthrie

Book: Better Deeds Than Words (Words#2) by Georgina Guthrie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Georgina Guthrie
through, and I paid my parents a visit. Imagine my shock when the young lady was at my parents’ house. My resolve crumbled, and I knew there was no escaping her, no avoiding my feelings because I’d discovered she might feel the same way about me. I was happier that night than I’d been in months.”
    My heart leapt into my throat. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to—”
    “It doesn’t matter. Sabrina doesn’t matter. Only you. You’re all that matters now.”
    Sabrina was forgotten, and Daniel’s beautiful eyes, ablaze with longing, were all I could see.
    “I should go in the other room right now and get the pull-out couch ready,” he said, tearing himself away.
    No, no, no!
    “Daniel, please don’t sleep on the couch. I want to fall asleep in your arms.”
    “There’s no way I can stay in here.”
    “Please don’t leave me in here by myself.”
    He growled, torn. “If I’m staying in this bed with you, then we need to take serious emergency measures.”
    “Such as?” I asked.
    “Such as you covering up. I can’t be allowed anywhere near your incredible skin.” He dragged my top down over my hips.
    Rolling onto my back, I took the two sides of the shirt and tied a knot at the bottom so he wouldn’t be able to sneak his hands underneath, then I tightly cinched the drawstring of the bottoms and triple knotted it.
    “There. Fort Knox.” I smiled smugly.
    “Don’t you mean Fort Knots?” he asked with a sly smile. “Either way, wholly ineffectual. I was a kick-ass Boy Scout. Knots were my specialty.”
    “My goodness, sailor,” I said. “You’re so accomplished. Is there anything you can’t do?”
    “Resist you .” He smirked and rolled off the bed. “I’ve got a brilliant idea, though.” He headed into his walk-in closet and rustled around inside. He came out holding a gaudy, hot pink sleeping bag.
    “Very pretty. Tell me that didn’t get you in some hot water on Boy Scout camping trips.”
    He narrowed his eyes. “Watch it, smartass. This is Penny’s. She bought it in December when Brad told her he wanted to take her up to our cottage. It’s never been used.”
    “They didn’t go?”
    “Oh, they went, but you don’t need sleeping bags up there. I don’t think Penny fully understood the concept of a winterized cottage .”
    “Ah, I see.” I could only imagine what the Grant family cottage looked like. “So, how come you have it?” I asked.
    “A few of her boxes got mixed in with mine at my mom and dad’s. So,” he said, unrolling the sleeping bag onto the bed with a flourish, “you sleep in here on top of the blankets. I’ll be underneath the blankets where I can’t get at you.”
    “Daniel, you realize that’s absurd, right?”
    “Hey, I’m serious. You want me to stay in here or not? I can’t be held responsible for what my hands do when I’m asleep. And God knows what mischief you’ll get up to. Humor me.”
    He crawled back over to join me on the bed, kissing me playfully. I took his hands in mine.
    “You could restrain me. Tie my hands to the bedpost so I can’t get at you.” I bit my lip and looked at him demurely.
    “You little vixen,” he said, pushing me back against the pillows and lying beside me, trapping my hips with his leg. “I thought we were trying to figure out how to avoid getting carried away. But that sounds incredibly hot.”
    His eyes hungrily searched my face.
    “No one’s ever called me a vixen before,” I said. “There’s another V-word to add to the list—Venus, velvet…” Feeling playful and extremely sexy trapped under his thigh like that, I decided to live up to this new name, taking my fingers and placing them in a V against his lips. “And now vixen.”
    He gently grasped my wrist, holding my fingers still and slowly licking down one finger and up the other.
    Torrential rains officially upgraded to tsunami alert .
    “Daniel,” I breathed, shifting my hips under his leg.
    He grasped my hands and clasped them above

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