Magical Mayhem

Free Magical Mayhem by Amity Maree

Book: Magical Mayhem by Amity Maree Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amity Maree
    "Montague, it is alright. I understand how Holly feels. She doesn't know me, and this is a very personal time for your family. Perhaps I should go and sit in the lobby while you all talk...?"
    "Absolutely not!" Carolyn declared. "You are most certainly welcome to be here with us, Megan. Why, I can't recall one other time that Six has brought his assistant home with him. You must be very special to him."
    Megan felt herself blush. Did Montague really have feelings for her?
    "Megan is special," Montague admitted, his voice soft. "I've never felt this way before, Mom."
    "Oh dear, big brother has fallen hard!" Jennifer declared with a laugh. "We thought it would never happen."
    "Dad will love this news," Kathy said with a smile. "Way to go, Six."
    "Are you seriously in love, Six?" This was from Holly.
    "I am," he answered with a certainty that amazed Megan. "Now, all of you leave Meggie alone. You're a bit much individually, but in a group, you are one big bulldozer."
    "That isn't very nice, Montague!" Megan took the opportunity to say, clearly shocked that he would say such a thing.
    "Wait until you know them all a bit better, Megan, and then you'll agree." He was teasing now, and she was pleased to see him smile. He kept up a playful banter with his sisters while they all waited for news, and for the opportunity to go in and visit for a few minutes.
    When visiting time came, Carolyn took Montague with her, and Holly waited until they were out of earshot before saying, "Dad won't want to see any of us now that Six is here."
    "Holly, that isn't true, and you know it," Jennifer scolded. "Six just got here and all of us have been in with Dad a few times already. I don't know why you are riding your broomstick right now, but you'd best knock it off. Six won't tolerate your behavior."
    "Six is not my father!"
    "No, but he is your brother, and I guarantee he will set your fanny on fire if you keep upsetting Mom."
    "He wouldn't dare!" Holly angrily cried out.
    "He would dare," Kathy agreed with Jennifer. "Just ask Cynthia if you don't believe me."
    "Oh, thanks for embarrassing me in front of Megan!" Cynthia commented, and Megan could see that she was blushing. "Jennifer is right, Holly. You'd best settle down and fast."
    "Oh, right! Like Six actually paddled you!"
    "He caught me drinking... and behind the steering wheel of my car. He was playing close to my college and decided to drive up and surprise me. I was surprised, all right." She gave Holly a look and asked, "Didn't you ever wonder why Six mailed Dad my car keys, and Dad wouldn't give them back for a very long time...? That car sat in the parking lot at school for six months before Dad was convinced to give me a second chance. And, even worse, Six told Dad that he spanked the daylights out of me, too. He would dare settle you, too, if he thinks you need it."
    "I'd like to watch!" sixteen year old Pepper spoke up. "I might even offer to pay Six."
    "And you might be next!" Kathy told her, nodding.
    "Megan, would you come with me, please. Five would like to meet you, dear."
    Megan followed Carolyn and then entered the small room to stand beside Montague. "Dad, this is Megan. Meggie, my Dad, Preston Hadley Montague V."
    "Just call me Five, Megan," he said. "It's a pleasure meeting you, and I hope you'll stay and let Carolyn make you comfortable in our home."
    "I am sure I'll be fine. I think your sisters might like a chance to see your Dad, Montague, especially Holly. May I send her back?"
    "That would be fine, Megan," Five spoke up. "I need to make peace with her." He smiled tiredly.
    "I don't want you to wear yourself out, darling."
    "Holly needs me, Caro."
    Megan hurried to get Holly and sent her back after telling her that her Dad wanted to see her.
    "Whew! That girl is in a bad mood. Anyone know why?" Cynthia asked, looking around the room.
    When no one seemed inclined to speak up, Megan answered, "Your Dad said he needed to make peace with her."
    "Ohhhhh, well that

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