Truck Stop

Free Truck Stop by Lachlan Philpott

Book: Truck Stop by Lachlan Philpott Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lachlan Philpott
television. She watches without distraction.
    SAM: Now. Right now. And it’s my birthday tomorrow. Turning fifteen.Mum gave me my present early, tickets to the Ke$ha concert. Most embarrassing night of my life. Mum took me but she looked so out of place. She bought all this glitter and shit so she could cover up her wrinkles, she said it was so we could bond again.
    There were all these hot guys there and they could tell she was a freak all I did was try to lose her. Didn’t enjoy the music at all.
    My new school sucks but it’s better than being at that shithole by the highway. Not that many friends yet. On the weekend I was so bored I even cleaned up my room. Chucked out stuff, tiaras and princess shit Dad bought for me.
    I’m not a princess, I’m not a movie star. I’m a…
    Bitch. I’m a bitch. I’ve been a total bitch to everyone.
    I thought my life was a music clip or a movie. But it is not. I guess I’m just…
    The fly circles around the room. Around me.
    Camera pans in.
    Close up on my eyes, on the tear as it dribbles over my cheekbones.
    On my lips. Music starts.
    Camera circles round me.
    SAM watches KELLY watch television. She almost makes her way to speak to her but instead turns and leaves. KELLY is alone. The television blares on.
    We hear some bland talk show which in turn blurs into ‘Love Song Dedications’.
    MERCER: ‘Love Song Dedications’. You’re with Richard Mercer on the coldest night of the year. Just the kind of night to snuggle by the fire… I’ve got Kelly on the line. Thinking of someone special on this chilly night?
    KELLY: Yes.
    MERCER: What is his name?
    KELLY: Dad.
    MERCER: Dad. And if Dad is out here listening Kelly, what would you like to say to him?
    KELLY: I missed him but now it’s okay.
    MERCER: It’s okay Kelly?
    KELLY: Yes. He said he could protect me. He said while he was around nothing bad would ever happen to me again. But he left. And if he’s out there listening I want to say to him that it wouldn’t have mattered anyway.
    Mum acts like you’re dead and I’m not going to stick around here. Maybe I’ll see you one day. But just… need you to know. I don’t need protecting anymore.
    Day fades to night. KELLY continues to watch television. Insects call, becoming louder and louder.
    Then silence.

Copyright Page
    First published in 2012
by Currency Press Pty Ltd,
PO Box 2287, Strawberry Hills, NSW, 2012, Australia
[email protected]
in association with
Q Theatre Company, Penrith NSW
This revised edition published 2014
    First electronic edition published in 2014 by Currency Press Pty Ltd.
    Copyright © Lachlan Philpott, 2012, 2014
    Copying for Educational Purposes
    The Australian Copyright Act 1968 (Act) allows a maximum of one chapter or 10% of this book, whichever is the greater, to be copied by any educational institution for its educational purposes provided that that educational institution (or the body that administers it) has given a remuneration notice to Copyright Agency Limited (CAL) under the Act. For details of the CAL licence for educational institutions contact CAL, Level 15, 233 Castlereagh Street, Sydney, NSW, 2000; tel: within Australia 1800 066 844 toll free; outside Australia +61 2 9394 7600; fax: +61 2 9394 7601; email: [email protected]
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    Performance Rights
    Any performance or public reading of Truck Stop is forbidden unless a licence has been received from the author or the author’s agent. The purchase of this book in no way gives the

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