Amazed (Tempted Book 3)

Free Amazed (Tempted Book 3) by Heather Doltrice

Book: Amazed (Tempted Book 3) by Heather Doltrice Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather Doltrice
dialing Roman’s number.
    “Hello?” Roman said into the phone after picking up on the third ring.
    “Roman, its Grace.”
    “I know, Grace. I have you stored in my phone,” he said, chuckling, “What’s up?”
    “Have you seen Ethan or happened to talk to him?” I asked, trying to keep my voice from sounding desperate.
    I was failing.
    “Not since lunchtime. Why is something wrong? You sound kind of strange.”
    I had to smooth that over. I didn’t need Roman worrying and tearing up the town. He was not the best choice to have with you in worrisome situations. Plus I didn’t want him telling his mother that I couldn’t get Ethan on the phone.
    “No, not at all. I’m just being one of those crazy girlfriends,” I said, laughing nervously and hoping he didn’t notice anything,
    “If I see him I’ll let him know to give you a call.”
    “Okay, thanks,” I said, ending the call.
    That wasn’t like Ethan, not to show up without even calling to explain. I had the feeling that he was okay but for some reason I couldn’t shake the nagging feeling that something was up.
    I had the breakup feeling. It was like a cloud over my head.
    And it felt the weatherman had called for a 100% chance of downpours and I didn’t see an umbrella in sight.

Chapter 12
    Talon was standing in front of the class rambling on about something. I wasn’t listening but not because of the awkwardness between Talon and I. No, it was because my boyfriend never called, never showed up, and he was back to sitting with his football friends. Oh and let’s not forget the mindless cheerleaders.
    From the seat next to me Holland squeezed my hand letting my hand know she was there for me. I already knew that but that didn’t mean I didn’t appreciate it.
    “Alright, you guys can leave now. Don’t forget your papers are due Friday,” Talon called out as everyone was exiting from their seats.
    Walking past Talon, I couldn’t help but notice that he didn’t look at me not even in a student teacher way but he looked at everyone else.
    He’ll probably fail me. Great, just great.
    Walking into the dining hall, I got my food and sat at a vacant table with Holland by my side.
    “Are you okay?” Holland asked, eating her fruit salad.
    “Not in the least bit,” I answered just as Ethan walked in and sat at the table across from us with a girl sitting on his lap.
    “I don’t know what happened? Did I do something?” I asked Holland, looking at my tears falling in puddles on the table.
    “No, sweetheart, you didn’t do anything. Boys are assholes, trust me, I should know,” she said, leaning down and wiping my eyes with a napkin.
    “Why doesn’t he want me?”
    “Because he’s an idiot.”
    I was sad and hurt but the more I sat there I started to feel angry.
    I had to know what was going on because not knowing was driving me crazy. Gathering all of the courage in my body, I pushed my chair out and walked over to where Ethan was sitting.
    “What’s going on with you? You never showed up last night and you didn’t bother to call, so I waited all night,” I asked, looking him right in the eye.
    He turned his eyes to the girl sitting on his lap and he pretended like I wasn’t standing there talking to him. He was acting as if I was invisible. Feeling a surge of fury hit me, I picked up the cup full of drink and poured it all over him and his latest conquest.
    Gasps and hushed whispering could be heard from every direction.
    “What’s your problem?” he asked, jumping up and knocking the girl on his lap off of him in the process.
    I would have laughed but I was in no mood
    “My problem? My problem is you! You’re treating me like I meant nothing to, like what we had meant nothing to you!”
    “Maybe it didn’t. Did you stop to think about that?”
    “You don’t mean that,” I whispered, hoping that this was all a bad dream I was going to wake up from.
    “Yes, I

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