“I think you sat on something.” She paused “Your jeans are dirty in
the back…..” she had a longer pause. “I think its blood, I think
you got your period.” 
    My face had to turn all
sorts of shades of red. Could it be that I finally got it, I
thought you were supposed to get a warning of cramps or spotting or
something, but no, not me of course. It happened today because I
decided to wear my white jeans after Labor Day. I looked back at
her and said “Really, crap I had no idea.”
    She said “Stay there,” like
I was going to go anywhere at this point.
    She got up; she had long
black straight shiny hair and was very slim, her jeans so
tight I’m not sure how she got them on. She whispered something to
the teacher and came back to my desk and said “Grab your books,
come with me.” She handed me her jacket “Tie this around your
waist.” I quickly tied the long sleeved rain jacket around my waist
and got up hoping nothing was showing. She made me go first, I
stopped outside the class and she pointed right, so I turned right
went up the stairs, we were headed toward the nurses
    She introduced herself as we
were walking and….she said “Hi I'm Shelby, the jacket is covering
everything perfectly, don’t worry I know just what to do. This
happened to me the first week of school, just tell the nurse you
are very upset and embarrassed and she’ll let you go home.” She
said quickly and with a great big grin. “Really?” I replied. I was
mortified and embarrassed and to top it off my mind was going
two-forty. This was Storm’s girlfriend…. does she know who I am?
Has Storm ever told her about me? Does she know he kissed me?
Couldn’t I have worn blue jeans today or black for that matter?
White pants were definitely out of the question for me for a
while…. Dude this was Shelby the girl I was supposed to find out
more about!
    “Thank you so much.” I said
as calmly as possible. “I'm Addie, Addie Gellar. I wondered how
long I had been walking around like this.” And I put my hand out to
shake hers. It couldn't have been too long because I went to the
bathroom just after first period and no signs then, I calculated in
my head. The nurse was on the phone when we got to her door, we
waited a minute outside. Shelby was a fast talker, and she talked a
lot, she was telling me about her classes. I read the name plate
outside the door, Nurse Melinda.
    When the nurse was off the
phone she waved Shelby in and asked “What can I do for you
today Shelby?” with a great big smile. The nurse was older, I am
not good with ages but she had to be in her fifties, she was a
little chubby but still had a nice shape with salt and pepper hair.
I walked in behind Shelby and she replied “My new girlfriend
Addie is sick just like I was the last time I was here,” and she
gave the nurse a wink.
    The nurse stayed in her
chair and winked back “I'm so sorry to hear about that Addie, would
you like me to call your parents to come pick you up?” Wow was that
easy, I didn’t even have to grovel or anything. I just shook my
head yes and smiled.
    Nurse Melinda asked Shelby
if she needed a note to get back into class. Shelby replied, “Yes,
please.” As she was writing up a note, I turned to Shelby and said
on the down low “Thank you so much for helping me out – I wonder
how many others noticed and didn’t say a thing to me – I wish I
knew so I could spite them later.” We both giggled.
    The nurse handed Shelby a
note and off she went, “See ya tomorrow” she said as she walked out
the door. The Nurse pointed to her chair and I said “I don’t really
want to sit because I have actually leaked through my pants.” She
said “Go ahead and sit I will take care of everything.” So I sat on
my knees. “Now Addie what is your last name?” I told her “Gellar G
- E - L - L - A – R”
    “What is your home phone
number or a number I can reach an adult that can help you out like
a mom, aunt,

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