parents I'll go with
    I laid down and starred at
the ceiling in silence. We never spoke of that moment or the
incident again, either of them.
    So with all that, why did I wake up at
3:17a.m. again? I had a dream of receiving several red roses. Why?
I could see it if I dreamt about getting a red “A” sewn on my
sweater. But roses?

    When I woke
Sunday , I tried to think of other
things, to think of other subjects, normal things. I wanted to
smother those other memories and make 'em go away. I tried
thinking of something that made me happy and my mind started to
wander a bit when my thoughts turned to Storm, him holding
my hand at the wake and kissing me. I day dreamed of him
saving me from Logan, as soon as Logan knocked me to the floor
Storm was there saving me from that dreadful night. And when
that guy tried kissing me on the couch Storm was there too.
I had a lot of time to think of Storm and I was coming around
to actually liking him, of course it was me making him into my
knight in shining armor. The reality of it was he had a girlfriend
and he kissed me while he had a girlfriend, so I need to smother
him too, the thoughts of Storm and thinking he's boyfriend
    That week at school,
I noticed he had a great smile and beautiful eyes, and
even though someone can become more attractive the more you know
them, he really was attractive. In history class, Storm drew a
picture of Jesus on the cross and gave it to me. We happened
to be talking about religion that week in class. I thought it was a
really good picture too. Because of his drawing, I thought we had a
lot more in common and he was growing on me. By the following
weekend I was very happy about the aspect of knowing Storm. I
thought about the time we dated in eighth grade and then about
the kiss after the wake, it was weird, not the kiss itself, but
weird because he did it.
    Maybe he would never go out
with me again, anyway. Still, maybe he just kissed me to show
me what I'm missing and now he thinks he has the upper hand. Quit
wasting my time thinking about him, he has a girlfriend; maybe I'm
over analyzing the whole situation. Maybe I just wanted any
old boyfriend, a protector, someone I could trust and
rely on. I spent way too much time this week thinking about him and
it took me twice as long to get my homework done. I decided I would
focus on getting a boyfriend, not that it will happen but I'll give
it a whirl.
night I watched a Bruce Lee movie and
dreamt I knew Karate. Maybe it was
time I learned some self-defense, maybe if I had, Logan
wouldn't have gotten me pinned down. When I think of the incident I
picture every scenario of what I should have done to have avoided
the whole mess.
    In my dream, Bruce Lee was
my teacher and we were training in the field across the ravine.
After, we started running that same wolf from my dream before began
following us. I ran up the dirty slide and the wolf stopped
mid-way, his eyes were glowing.
    When I got
to school on Monday, to my surprise I saw Storm in the
hallway before first period and he came up and chatted with me
and gave me a peck on the cheek and said “Catch ya later”. I
thought holy crap, pining over him all weekend may not have been a
waste of time. If he gave me a kiss like that he can’t be all that
serious about his girlfriend. I was going to have to find out more
about this Shelby girl and see if maybe they broke up. ...or
find out if he's just messing with me.
    I had decided to wear
my white jeans today because there weren’t many more days I could
wear them, probably none. And I wore my favorite striped colored
tee that looked really good with them. Lo and behold when I got to
Algebra, my third period class I sat down in the middle row, middle
seat, like I usually did and a girl to the left of me one seat back
tapped my arm to get my attention. Class hadn’t started yet
and it was noisy. She scooted her chair really close to me and

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