
Free Lifeblood by Tom Becker

Book: Lifeblood by Tom Becker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tom Becker
had wanted to remain silent, you wouldn’t have done. I was merely being polite.” Her eyes glinted. “Wouldn’t want to scare you.”
    Raquella took an involuntary step back, bringing forth a peal of laughter from the bounty hunter.
    â€œOh, do come on. I merely wanted to pass on a message to one of your friends.”
    â€œWhich friend?” Raquella asked suspiciously.
    â€œThe little one. Jonathan.”
    The maid looked startled. “I-I don’t know anyone called Jonathan,” she stammered.
    â€œMy dear, if you wanted to keep your friendship a secret, then perhaps you shouldn’t have driven down the Grand with him in Vendetta’s car. Did you think that no one noticed? Please don’t play the innocent with me. You’re too clever for that.”
    Raquella thought quickly. Having risked her life helping Jonathan take on Vendetta, she had resolved never to see him again. She had to admit to a small twinge of curiosity as to how the Lightsider was getting on, but there was no doubt her master would kill her if he knew she had spoken to Jonathan. Vendetta’s patience stretched only so far. On the other hand, Marianne was very sharp, and extremely dangerous. Crossing her wasn’t a good idea either.
    â€œWhat’s the message?”
    â€œFirstly, let him know that I forgive him.” She smiled coldly. “His actions hurt me, my reputation, and – worst of all – my pocket. But I am prepared to bury the hatchet, so to speak. There’s no money in revenge, and anyway, I doubt that your master will be quite so . . . magnanimous when he recovers. Jonathan’s going to be in quite enough trouble as it is.”
    Raquella shrugged. “If I run into him I’ll pass it on. Anything else?”
    â€œA little bird tells me people have been asking questions about the James Arkel murder. If they happen to get any answers, I want to hear about it.” Marianne smiled. “If I’m prepared to forgive him, it’s the very least Jonathan can do for me. Got that?”
    She nodded, biting her lip.
    â€œExcellent. Just in time.”
    A black carriage came clopping down Savage Row, driven by a giant, elongated figure. As it pulled up alongside them, a small, jittery man leapt out of the cab and held the door open for Marianne. A thought suddenly occurred to Raquella.
    The bounty hunter inclined her head.
    â€œWhy are you doing this?”
    Marianne smiled. “I always had a soft spot for the little one,” she replied softly.
    And with that, she swept up into the carriage. The small man followed her inside, and in a matter of moments the sounds of the horses had been swallowed up by the gloom. Raquella remained by the streetlamp, a thoughtful expression on her face.
    It was pitch-black by the time she arrived at her parents’ house, and immediately Raquella could tell that something was wrong. Her youngest brother, Daniel, was wandering outside in the street, crying. Raquella scooped him up into her arms.
    â€œDanny? What’s wrong?”
    The little boy said nothing, merely pressed himself closer against his sister. The front door was ajar. Raquella entered the house slowly, her sense of foreboding growing. The lights were off and the hallway, usually a bright bustling corridor filled with scampering children, was deserted.
    â€œMa?” she called out. “I found Danny outside. Where are you?”
    There was no reply.
    â€œMa? Pa?”
    Downstairs was empty. Raquella climbed the staircase, suddenly fearful of what she might find. At the end of the landing was her parents’ cramped bedroom. Pushing the door open, Raquella saw her mother lying out on the bed, head turned to one side, gazing out through the window at the streets beyond. Raquella’s brothers and sisters were gathered around her, their faces creased with concern.
    â€œWhat on Darkside’s going on here?

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