Dearly Loved

Free Dearly Loved by Bonnie Blythe

Book: Dearly Loved by Bonnie Blythe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bonnie Blythe
accident. I lost my balance and just grabbed onto what was closest. Do you forgive me?”
    She sighed. “Just this once. Now, when was the last time you ate?”
    He pointed to the telephone near his bed. “Got the take-out places that deliver on speed dial. I had cinnamon rolls for breakfast this morning.”
    “You need fresh fruits, veggies, and stuff to help you recover faster. Shame on you, you should know better.”
    “Tell that to your hospital. They fed me worse.”
    A reluctant smile lifted her lips. “That I believe.” She looked around the room. “So, who do have to help you out around here?”
    David shrugged. “Aunt Gloria offered, but she lives a hundred miles away. I couldn’t ask her to do that.”
    “There’s no one else?” Meredith said in disbelief. “What about all those fans KVL keeps going on about?”
    “Why? Jealous?”
    “Seriously, I’m new here in town and have only met the satellite dish installation guy.” He smiled broadly. “Priorities, you know. Gotta have ESPN and ESPN2 along with all the other sports channels.”
    She looked over to where a large television set, stacked with DVD and Blu-ray players on an end table at the foot of the bed.
    “What about a private nurse?”
    “Want the job?”
    Meredith looked at the ceiling. “You weren’t ready to leave the hospital. You shouldn’t be alone like this.”
    “Tell that to my insurance company.”
    “Don’t get me started.” She nibbled on her thumb and thought through her options. “Okay. I’m off for the next four days. I’ll help as much as I can, but you’re going to have to promise to take vitamins, eat properly, and rest. And only walk with your walker!”
    David saluted. “Yes, ma’am.”
    “And be on your best behavior.”
    “Aren’t I always?”
    Meredith raised one eyebrow before exiting his bedroom. In the kitchen, she wasn’t shocked to find nearly bare cupboards and refrigerator. A box of Saltine crackers, a can of chili, and some lunchmeat wouldn’t get him too far. The blue countertops were empty aside from a cell phone, wallet, and small stack of mail.
    She would run to the grocery store and get him stocked up with healthy foods for a start. In his room she’d seen a clothes basket with dirty clothes. She’d wash those along with his bedding at her house, guessing the apartment complex had only shared laundry facilities.
    After making a list, she went back into David’s bedroom and found him fast asleep. She let out a silent sigh. What am I getting myself into? I’m supposed to be avoiding this guy, not tracking him down at home.
    But he needs help.
    Hah. Maybe I’m the one who needs help .
    Several hours later, with armloads of groceries, Meredith returned to David’s place. She kicked the door by way of knocking and heard him yell that it was open. Once inside, she set everything down on the kitchen counter and went out to her car to retrieve more groceries along with the basket of clean laundry. Bitsy escaped from the car at the first opportunity and raced into the apartment.
    After she’d brought everything in, she checked on David, finding him lounging in his bed, hollering at a soccer game on TV with candy bar wrappers littering the floor next to the bed. Some of her anticipation fizzled out and died.
    David’s smile faltered when he saw where she pointed. He used the remote to reduce the volume of the TV. “I don’t have a waste bucket in here yet. But I’ll throw them away myself.”
    Meredith bent over and scooped up the offending wrappers, wadding them into a ball. “While I’m here I thought I could get some of your more necessary items unpacked. That is, if you don’t mind me going through your things.”
    David’s grinned at her. “Sure. And don’t worry, you won’t find anything incriminating in my stuff.”
    She narrowed her eyes at him, wishing he could be serious for one minute. “I wasn’t worried.” Suddenly, Bitsy rocketed onto

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