Hunter (Campus Kings): A Football Secret Baby Novel

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Book: Hunter (Campus Kings): A Football Secret Baby Novel by Celia Loren Read Free Book Online
Authors: Celia Loren
eagerly. "I mean,
what position is the best to start—"
    He cuts me off with a laugh. "Britt, you don't have to
plan everything."
    I grin as he wraps his arms around me. "I guess I am a
bit of a planner," I admit.
    "Just a bit," he agrees, leaning his head down.
"But that's one of the things I like about you. Do you want anything to
eat, or…?"
    "No," I murmur. "I missed you."
    "I missed you, too," he whispers, then takes my
hand. "Come on." He leads me through the living room and back into
his bedroom. I take a deep breath as he lets go of my hand and turns to me.
"Are you nervous?"
    I nod. "Yes, but I'm ready."
    "I'll go slow," he assures me. He steps toward me
and bends down, brushing a soft kiss against my lips that swiftly grows into a
passionate embrace. I can feel my heart pounding against his massive chest as
his hands move down and slide over my ass. I reach down and tug at the bottom
of his t-shirt, and he steps back to pull it over his head. A foolish grin
spreads across my face at the sight of his naked torso. I can't believe I'm
with a guy who looks like he's chiseled from marble.
    I slide off my shoes and then pull my own tank top off over
my head. He leans over and gently bites the top of my breasts, and I giggle. As
he pulls my right cup down and sucks my nipple into his mouth, my laughter
turns into a gasp of pleasure. I tilt my head back and feel his hand supporting
me at the small of my back. His fingers move to my bra strap and I feel it
falling away from me, leaving me exposed to his mouth.
    He stands up straight again, and as he watches me, I move my
fingers to my zipper and push my pants to the ground. Grinning, he pulls his
own athletic shorts off so we're both facing each other in our underwear. He
reaches out and pulls me toward him, then spins me around at the last second so
my ass is pressing into him. His places one huge palm in the middle of my chest
and then slides it down as I allow my head to rest back against him. His
fingers slide under my panties and I moan. I arch my back, and can feel his
cock pressing against me.
    He presses two fingers slowly inside me and moves his thumb
to my clit. I grip his thighs, needing to hang on to something. My body
twitches as his fingers work their magic. My anxiety only breaks through now
and then, when I feel the size of his cock against me and worry about the
upcoming pain.
    I can feel how wet I am against his hand, and he leans down
to murmur in my ear, "You're gorgeous, Britt." I tilt my face up to
kiss him, and am overwhelmed by a feeling of rightness. I made a good choice.
Everything in me is telling me that I'm meant to be here with Hunter right now.
    I slowly turn my body toward him, and feel him withdraw his
fingers. I push my underwear to the ground, and then reach forward and pull his
boxer-briefs away from his stomach and then down to the plush carpet. He steps
out of them, and as I straighten back up, I'm again confronted with his size.
Surely it can't be even bigger than the last time I saw him naked, but now I'm
thinking about how he'll fit inside me.
    "It might hurt some," he warns me, reading the
expression in my eyes. "Even for women who aren't virgins, it can
    "I know. I did research," I tell him.
    He grins. "Of course you did." He takes my hand
again and leads me to the bed and pulls down the duvet cover. I climb onto the
sheets and move over to give him room. He lies down next to me, and slides his
hand over my bare stomach. "I want to make you as ready as possible,"
he says, bending down and sucking my nipple into his mouth.
    I gasp, and arch into his warmth. "I think I'm
    He stops and looks up at me with a wicked look in his dark
brown eyes. "I want to make you beg for it."
    I shiver with anticipation, and he moves down my stomach.
His lips kiss and nip over my belly button, and then he's breathing on my
mound. I grip the sheets as he takes a long lick of me and then flicks his
tongue back and forth. He

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