Hunter (Campus Kings): A Football Secret Baby Novel

Free Hunter (Campus Kings): A Football Secret Baby Novel by Celia Loren

Book: Hunter (Campus Kings): A Football Secret Baby Novel by Celia Loren Read Free Book Online
Authors: Celia Loren
Coach. I spot him in a small office, watching a TV mounted into the
corner that's playing post-game coverage. He switches it off as I walk in, and
indicates that I should sit in the chair across from him. As I do, he takes off
his Vanover baseball cap and lays it on the table, then smooths his hand over
his head.
    "I was impressed by you today," he says. I blink
in surprise. "I saw you encouraging our defense in the locker room during
half time, and I know you took the blame for Adam fumbling that ball in the
first quarter."
    "I...thank you," I mumble, unused to this kind of
interaction with him.
    "I've been waiting on this kind of sign from you,"
he tells me. "In my experience, if a coach is the engine behind a player
in college, that player will stall out in the pros. I've avoided doing that
with you to leave space for you to step up, and now you have. And now I'm
prepared to put my full support behind you. You need to ready yourself for a
lot more media attention. If you thought it was crazy before, you haven't seen
anything yet. They're starting to discuss you as a first-round draft pick, and
you'll likely be invited to the National Combine."
    My eyes widen. Shit. The things that he's saying...they're
my dreams. I've thought so long about them, that the feeling of them coming
true feels completely surreal. And the sight of Coach's lips curving up into a
smile is only adding to the feeling. Coach never smiles.
    "You look like a deer in headlights," he says.
"Come to my office after practice on Monday. We have some things to
    "Okay," I reply, standing up. "Thanks,
    I move toward the door, but his voice stops me. "And
Hunter, I don't know what caused this change within you, but I think you should
commit to it. A man might only get one or two opportunities like this in his
life, if he gets any at all. You've shown lately that you have the maturity and
leadership to capitalize on it, but you need to make sure you keep going. Don't
let it slip away."
    I nod, and shut the door behind me. He might not know what
caused the change he's seen, but I do. It was his own daughter.

    Chapter 17
    "I guess I just thought you were a bit more of a
prude," Danielle says.
    "Hey!" I protest, though I know she doesn’t mean
to be unkind. "Just because I don't like keggers doesn't mean I'm a prude.
I want to have sex, I've just been waiting for the right guy."
    "And you think Hunter's it. Have you heard from
    "I'm meeting him at his place at nine. He had to go
straight to class when he got back this morning. Do you think that's bad? That
he wants to tell me in person?"
    "Oh man, I don't know. Are you gonna be heartbroken if
his answer is no?"
    Even hearing her suggest it makes my stomach drop.
"Yes," I whisper. "Maybe it was stupid of me to let myself fall
for him like this, when he has no history of relationships at all."
    Danielle glances at the clock. "You better get going.
Good luck."
    On the walk over, I weigh all the evidence in my head.
Hunter seems serious about me. I haven't known him very long, but I
already feel like he knows me better than anyone else. We've talked about
everything, and even when we're talking about serious stuff, he has a way of
making it feel lighter.
    By the time I ring his bell and he buzzes me up, my stomach
is in knots. I've imagined both of his possible responses multiple times, and
have experienced the corresponding emotions multiple times, all on this short
walk over.
    I step out of the elevator, and his door is already opening
just down the hall. All of my worries disappear. He's smiling.
    "I'm an idiot," he says, ushering me inside.
"I want you to be my girlfriend, and I should've told you that a week ago.
I've grown more in the last month since knowing you than the entire rest of my
time at college."
    "Really?" I reply, beaming.
    "And if you want to wait on the physical stuff
    "No. Thank you, but I'm ready."
    "Wow. Okay, then."
    "So, how do we…" I start

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