The Creep

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Book: The Creep by John T Foster Read Free Book Online
Authors: John T Foster
there was that much going down.
    The smell of cordite hung in the air for days, as did the acrid smell of burning car tires and car upholstery. Police helicopters flew overhead constantly and at least one of them was taken out by automatic fire. Bishman witnessed it crash into the East River. There were SWAT teams and riot police everywhere.
    Bishman lapped it up and in those 48 hours took many more risks than he would have done ordinarily, but when you're on a roll, you're on a roll.
    Sometime later, Bishman heard that the police drained the Reservoir, the vast man-made lake in Central Park, three days after the blackout, and found one hundred and thirty-nine bodies all suffering from either knife or gunshot wounds. The lake has remained dry from that day forth.
    One thing Bishman does know for sure is that all the burnt-out cars are still being stored in a huge lot in Newark, New Jersey. He found that out six months later when a truckie asked Bishman if he wanted to see the 'Sea of Steel' . Bishman said "Sure," and the truckie took a detour.
    A buddy of his had told him about it. It turned out the 'Sea of Steel' was a 'Sea of Rust' but sure enough, about three thousand cars all with New York plates, all wrecked, burnt-out and rusty, were being stored. Bishman was pleased to see none of the trunks or hoods were popped. He could only assume the body of the Plymouth owner was still in the trunk.
    Nine months after the blackout there was an explosive baby boom in New York, but that's probably another story, right?
    Harvey dropped Bishman off in downtown L.A. just by the Greyhound station. He made his next appointment with him and drove off.
    Unbeknown to Bishman, Harvey went to Chinatown on a binge and got extremely drunk and violently sick.

    Stan Barron, forensic psychologist extraordinaire, was about to take great delight in detailing out the psychological profile of the monster the two of them were so desperate to track.
    Barron pushed aside the police files, sickening photographic evidence, pathologists' reports, forensic details and documents that were strewn all over his large oak desk, he picked up about twelve sheets that were stapled together, glanced through them as if to speed read them, then began, as if he'd memorized the document:
    "The guy we are looking for often leaves 'mixed' crime scene characteristics; he often uses restraints, i . e ., he ties his victims up, therefore he's organized; but many times he leaves the bodies in full view, allowing them to be found, therefore he's disorganized."
    Mainwarring made as if to interrupt or ask some question, but Barron said, "Don't break my train of thought. Let me give you the whole thing, then you come in." He sipped his coffee then added, "Many times he 'de- personalizes ' a victim, i . e ., mutilates their bodies. That again means he's disorganized, but he takes the murder weapon with him, therefore he's organized. I'm not trying to baffle you with science, Howard - I'm trying to make a point that this guy you are looking for, we are looking for, 'on balance' is organized."
    "He's probably an American, but could be a Brit who knows America well and travels back and forth. We haven't come to this conclusion lightly. One of the major aspects of these killings is the periods of non-activity, and we're convinced this is when the Creep's out of the country. The other thing of course, that we have discussed many times is the sim ilari ty betw e en the killing here in England and many that have gone down in the States. The agents at Quantico are doing a lot of work on their multi-million-dollar computer, to see if they can get a match with any of their serial killers that stop and start their activities in the States, in the corresponding periods.
    "Statistics profile him as white, average appearance and to be of the school 'drop-out' type, possibly unemployed, maybe even self-employed. More likely than not, badly abused as a child."
    Barron glanced through

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