All In: Playing the Fool (Gambling With Love)

Free All In: Playing the Fool (Gambling With Love) by Lane Hart

Book: All In: Playing the Fool (Gambling With Love) by Lane Hart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lane Hart
that's if you do the community service right away. I'd say you need about twenty-five hours at a non-profit organization."
    "Five or six months! I'm trying to find a job!" I exclaimed.
    "Hey, it's not my fault you were fucking in public," Joe said defensively. He was right, of course.
    "I'm sorry, Lacy," Will said.
    "The first rule of sex in public is bite down on something to drown out the sounds. The second is not doing it in a crowded parking lot. Kids," Joe muttered, shaking his head. "But hey, it could be worse."
    "What could be worse?" Will asked.
    "Getting charged with a crime against nature."
    "What's that?"
    "Oral sex in public. I'd say that's a tad more embarrassing. I'm sorry officer, I tripped and my mouth fell on his dick doesn't usually work as an explanation. Neither does the whole, I was bent over looking for my car keys between her legs."
    "Thanks Joe, for helping us look on the bright side," Will said sarcastically. "I wonder if Tyler knows this jackass cop and could talk him out of this."
    A minute later the officer came back with our citations. At least he wasn’t taking us downtown to get arrested.
    In the darkness I looked down at the stupid pink sheet of paper in my hands as Joe drove me and Will home in his SUV.
    "I'm sorry, Lacy," Will said again into the silence.
    "Stop apologizing. It was my fault we got caught," I told him, rubbing my temple where a headache was starting. I knew I had to tell my dad ASAP. Joe warned us that all the shitty attorneys would get our addresses from the arrest report, and then our mailboxes would be flooded with letters from them offering to represent us.
    "I know you don't need this right now, and I wish I could fix it," he said.  
    "The next right and then you can let me out," I told Joe when we came up on my neighborhood.
    "Do you want me to walk you up?" Will asked.
    "No thanks, I'll be fine."
    Joe's SUV came to a stop and I reached for the door handle. "Thanks for the ride," I said, then my cheeks burned thinking about earlier. Will and Joe both chuckled, and I couldn't help my smile either.
    "Bye, Lacy," Will said.
    "Bye, Will. Thanks, Joe," I told them before heading inside.  Luckily my dad was already asleep when I walked into the house. I went to bed, trying to figure out how I was going to tell him in the morning.

Chapter Five
    " What the hell were you thinking ?" my father yelled, so loudly his assistant could probably hear through the closed office door. I couldn't help but flinch at his tone while I continued standing in front of his desk during his chastising.                                
    "I … we didn't intend to get caught like that. The cop was an ass-"
    "I have never been more embarrassed in my life!" he exclaimed, hurting me like never before. Anger flared in me, making me want to hurt him back.
    "Me having sex in a parking lot is more embarrassing than you getting caught fucking your slutty client behind Mom's back?"
    "You better watch it, Lacy."
    "What I did is not that big of a deal! Joe said that with a few hours of community service it'll go away."
    "Everyone in the office knows about it from the arrest report last night. Everyone in the legal field knows my daughter was screwing our IT guy in public."
    "So? So, you should be with Zack! I still can't believe you ended things with him," he said, rubbing a hand over the bald spot at the top of his head.
    "I guess my dislike of cheaters came from mom's side of the family."
    "What about Joe? He's a nice, single guy that'd be good for you," my dad said.
    "Joe? Are you serious? You're trying to play matchmaker?"
    "Lacy, you could have any man you wanted. Now that you’re out of school it’s time for you to stop wasting time screwing around." The "with someone like Will" was left unsaid, and his low opinion of the man pissed me off.
    I had a news flash for my father. I'd date whoever the hell I wanted, and I wasn't planning on settling down anytime

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