Pure Will

Free Pure Will by Kristi Pelton

Book: Pure Will by Kristi Pelton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kristi Pelton
believe in love at first sight. Your turn,” he said and walked to his truck.
    Doing exactly as he said, I waved from the window, climbed back in bed and decided as much as I wanted to use my toy…I wasn’t going to. I was waiting to be touched by him…and a part of me hoped it would be soon.

    When I woke the following morning, the covers were tented due to my thinking about Cam before going to bed and instantly upon awakening. Immediately, I reached for my phone.
    I believe in supporting soldiers even if you don’t support what they may be doing.
    Damn…I was going to marry this girl. There was no way she could have understood what this meant to me. If only Matty could have seen her. Met her. I hated the war he fought in but supported him with every part of me.  Wrote him.  Skyped him. In December it would be a full year. My phone buzzed again.
    I smiled when her full name flashed across the screen: Camden
    I believe in getting up early to see the sun rise even if I go back to sleep. WAKE UP!
    I texted her back.
    I’m awake. Watched the sunrise then went back to bed. Send
    Really?? :)
    No…   Send
    Ah hell no! My girl wasn’t going to frown.
    Starting tomorrow I will be getting up for every sunrise. Hell, I just won’t go to bed. Send
    Since it’s Saturday I was thinking we could do breakfast   Send
    I smiled and texted again.
    And lunch    Send
    Another smile.
    And dinner  Send
    God I loved exclamations points! The covers were tented again. Damn…at this point, the way I was acting was pathetic. I’m glad the covers were tented; at least it proved I still had my dick. I’d only kissed this girl. I couldn’t imagine how whipped I’d be once she had that part of me too. I chuckled and then decided to call. She answered almost immediately.
    “Hi,” she whispered.
    “Have you told her?”
    She giggled. “Well, good morning to you too.”
    “Cam. A good morning would be me waking you up and I can’t do that until you tell her, sweet pea.”
    A quiet sigh echoed over the phone.
    “I’m not trying to push you. I promise. You do what you think is best,” I said.
    “Will, I want to tell her. But last night she brought it up and she’s struggling a little bit.”
    Shit. I didn’t realize Cam was struggling too but I heard it in her voice.
    “Struggling with what?”
    “Just how. Since you. I think that. Not understanding. God, I don’t know…”
    Wow. This girl of mine was always quick on her feet and witty. Whatever was happening there made her speechless.
    “Understanding what, Cam? Talk to me.”
    She sat silent for a little bit so I let her. Finally she spoke. “She doesn’t understand how you can like someone when things were good?”
    “Things were good? We never had a date and we never talked! We hadn’t talked in a week!” I’d raised my voice without intending to.
    “She was talking about the…being together,” she spoke softly and I wanted to hold her so badly.
    “Being together? As in…”
    “Yes,” she said before I could finish.  “Apparently that was pretty incredible,” she whispered.
    Hearing the slightest inflection of pain in her voice crushed me. I had no right to be angry but I would fix this. Her hurting would never be right in my world.
    “Cam. I’m taking a shower. I’m coming over. I’ll be there in one hour.  We are telling her together.”
    “No buts. I’ll see you soon baby.”
    Camden hadn’t called or texted so even though I was pretty direct with her about what was going down, she hopefully understood and was ready.  I parked the truck and headed up the stairs. She met me at the door.
    “She isn’t here right now,” she said not meeting my eyes.
    “Don’t look down. Look at me. This is right. This is what we should do,” I explained as we walked into her apartment.
    She nodded. Once

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