A Lady's Plight (Lords of Sussex)

Free A Lady's Plight (Lords of Sussex) by Katy Walters

Book: A Lady's Plight (Lords of Sussex) by Katy Walters Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katy Walters
them, a slight grin on those full lips. Was she aware of his passion? Tonight there was an opportunity for him to be with her, to lay his hands on that pretty body. Catching his glance, Henrietta, immediately lowered her eyes again. She saw the intensity, the desire in his chocolate eyes. But, she must not encourage him.
    The man had a temper on him but was generally charming to her. However, months now he'd bemoaned the fact she was always chaperoned. Although betrothed, she always had a sister, maid or friend with her even for an innocent walk in the park or grounds of her father's estate. Henrietta caught his glance, seeing the intensity of his gaze, she remembered he'd had the temerity to fondle her bottom when her aunt's attention was caught up watching deer gallop across the meadow. The touch of his hands sent a tingling sensation to Henrietta's stomach. It was such a pleasant feeling, and one that did not recede that whole day. In fact since she diaphragm quivered each time he drew near, especially so, as he leant to whisper in her ear. Why her ear too seemed to tingle and become alive. Such new and strange experiences left her puzzled. But, she could hardly ask for advice as to why this now happened the whole time he was with her.
    Vaughan's focus broke, as the butler announced Lord Hector Thurston. A tall lanky figure appeared dressed a la mode with a starched cravat and aquamarine stickpin; his white silk waistcoat contrasted with the dark blue tailcoat and black breeches with silk stockings. Bowing, a lock of dirty-blond hair fell over his eye as he said, ' My apologies, but I have just left our table.'
    The earl nodded, dinners for the ton in the country, could begin at four pm and last until ten or even later. 'Glad you're here Thurston. Come and sit down.' the footman rushed forward bringing out a seat opposite Vaughan.
    The young lord ignored him, rushing, straight over to Phillipa, taking her delicately gloved hand in his. 'My sweet princess, forgive for not being there. I should have chaperoned you as well. Especially after the attack, but I can only say, we had the Duke and Duchess dine with us, and I could not leave. I thought you would be quite safe with B ruges and Fitzroy.' He pointedly glared at the two men, the message in his eyes telling them exactly how disgusted he was, with their failure to outfight the dandies. He held her sweet face in his hands. 'I would protect you with my life.'
    Phillipa bit her lip, her eyes moistening. Today she could well have lost her liberty and good reputation, even her life. 'My Lord, I know that Horatio and Vaughan fought a bitter fight; both wounded in the fray.'
    Hector's grey eyes turned to slate in the candlelight. 'Hmm … well princess. I am here now, and I will not leave your side until after our own marriage ceremony.'
    Breaking through the lovers' conversation, the earl said, 'Well said Thurston, albeit I would add both Lord Horatio, and Lord Vaughan actually came within inches of losing their lives. Now, I think we have much to discuss. I fear Ladness will cause ructions at the church.'
    Isabella said, ' Surely not papa, why the church will be packed and then there's the vicar.'
    The earl glowered at his errant daughter. Although he adored her, she forgot her place. Ladies did not offer any views until asked.
    'Now pet, please be quiet. We have much to plan here.'
    Reddening, Isa blurted out. 'So, I only speak when you pull the strings is it?'
    Alex looked at her aghast. Could she not restrain herself?
    The earl's voice deepened. 'Enough - enough. Isa. Now please - we will come to you later.'
    Isa bit her lip. It would not do to argue in front of company, but she would have her say later. How dare papa treat her as if she was a marionette.
    Alex put down his glass, as he said, 'I think we should have guards at the church, and also at the lychgate.
    The earl pursed his lips. 'I agree, but we are in a quandary here. Ladness has a legal right to question the

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