Return of the Crown
on an island. Zelera was watching as well; I
sensed her evil rot polluting the aural field. She is not pleased.
My magical intervention drew Zelera’s attention to me. I am
relocating shortly .’
    ‘ I can repair the raft to get me to
Aigerach. I need to make new oars, and it will take me a few days
to make the vessel seaworthy. How is Blade? Is he safe? Where will
he meet me? When will he meet me? ’
    Connor smiled. ‘ Blade is perfectly fine.
I’ll guide him to you. I’m not sure where you’ll meet, for our
plans are fluid and ever changing. First, we must get you off that
island. We must assume Zelera knows your location, since she sent
that beast. You must still be judicious practicing with the Light.
She got a trace off the book you took from the library; your magic
left a scent. That’s how she was able to sic that creature on you.
I know you want to try your hand at working with the Light, but
that would be extremely dangerous right now. Every time you use the
arts, you leave a trail to follow, like magical breadcrumbs. If you
stop, the trail fades. Then she can scry for your image only,
making you a needle in a haystack.
    Oh, by the way, be extremely careful right
now. You are on Draconis Island .’
    Ravyn’s blue eyes closed, distant memories
springing to mind. When they were little, she and Blade dreamt of
coming to Draconis Island to study the dragons. ‘I’m on the
dragons’ homeland? I’ve always dreamed of seeing a dragon.’
    Connor scowled, ‘Ravyn, now is not the
time to be searching out dragons. They are territorial. They would
just as soon tear you to pieces as look at you. Promise me you will
not go near them.’
    She sighed, ‘ I promise. I saw their caves
from the mountaintop today; they’re on the other side of the
island. I’ll be collecting provisions and repairing the raft. I
have no time to go looking for dragons. With luck I’ll be off the
island in a day or two. They’ll never know I was here.’
    ‘ Most times in this life, we have to make
our own luck. Ravyn, when you cross the channel to the mainland,
the area where you will beach your raft is very hot and dry. You
need plenty of water to survive Desolation. Desolation runs the
entire length of the island on that end, so you cannot skirt its
edges. The best solution is to walk straight across. It will be
neither easy nor fun.’
    ‘ Where will I be after I cross?’
    ‘ After Desolation you’ll reach the
Grasslands. When you hit the road, head west. That should lead you
to Land’s End, a little town where you should be able to get a
horse. Blade will likely meet you there as well. I have an old
acquaintance living near there. You may be able to stay with her
for a night or two while you gather supplies. You look tired. I’ll
let you get some rest so you can start repairing that raft in the
    ‘ Take good care of yourself, Connor, and
thank you for everything. I don’t feel so alone knowing you are out
there watching and sending what help you may,’ she said through
a yawn as she lay back once more. Connor gently disengaged his
aural thread, scanning the land below as he returned to his meager
hut nestled in the woods. After filling his travel satchel, he
hurried into the dense woods behind his cottage. He heard wood
splintering as Zelera’s men crashed through the little front door.
The back door slammed open, and torchlight flooded the yard.
Glancing over his shoulder, he saw one of Zelera’s soldiers
scanning the trees from the door. A slight flick of the wrist bid
the colors of the forest to wrap about him, camouflaging him.
Deeper into the darkening woods he trudged, the sounds of
shattering pottery and crashing furniture breaking the forest’s
    Ravyn lay on her back, watching the stars
glittering above her through palm fronds. She was exhausted but
couldn’t sleep. She was on the dragons’ island. She couldn’t wait
to see the jealousy written on Blade’s face when she told him

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