Trouble With Harry

Free Trouble With Harry by Myla Jackson

Book: Trouble With Harry by Myla Jackson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Myla Jackson
Tags: Romance, Erotic
in immediate response.
    Mitch shook his head. “She’s a fuckin’ porn star, Harry.”

Chapter Five
    Trapped in the act of making a porn film, Edie fought to keep the tears from slipping through her clenched eyelids. She could only blame herself and her misplaced vanity. Hadn’t she wished herself into this situation?
    The bed shimmied beneath Edie, thunder rumbled in the distance and the lights behind her eyelids dimmed momentarily. Then a warm wet tongue lapped her folds, laving her tenderly.
    Too late.
    She’d been licked by a stranger. Her first time was with someone she didn’t even know, in front of cameras and a room full of people.
    She wanted to curl up in a ball and die.
    The teasing tongue stopped. “Edie?” Harry’s voice drifted through her misery. “Where the hell are we?”
    Her eyes popped open and she stared down at Harry nestled between her legs. Magnificent, naked Harry. He’d been the one to initiate her into the beauty of oral sex, not the crass stranger.
    “Oh Harry, my wish turned out so wrong. I wanted to be the most desirable woman, but not this.” Too stunned to move, she waved her hand at the lighting, cameras and audience of technicians.
    “Edie, don’t you see what I see?” Still between her legs, he smoothed a hand over her flat stomach. “You are a very desirable, beautiful woman.”
    “I am?” She sniffled.
    “Yes, and you taste like heaven.” His gaze met hers as he dipped down to tongue her clit.
    The crude setting faded away and all Edie could see was Harry worshiping her with his mouth. His fingers slipped between her folds finding the little sensitive nub she’d only stimulated herself on the few occasions she’d tried her hand at masturbation. The warm, moist texture of his tongue touched her, sending fire blasting through her blood and her pulse throbbing against the walls of her vagina. Liquid lubricant oozed from her, preparing her body for his entry.
    He touched her sweet spot again, teasing, tasting and tempting her.
    Edie arched off the bed, grasping his hair, crying out almost in pain but mostly in ecstasy. His strokes sent her spiraling upward until she thought she’d explode in the bombardment of sensations. She’d never felt like this—like she was shattering into a million pieces at just the touch of a man’s tongue.
    But not any man.
    Harry .
    When she drifted back to earth, she pulled at Harry’s hair, tugging him up her length. The fake fur fell to the side exposing her body to his.
    Harry crawled between her legs, his torso sliding up her belly, his chest hairs tickling Edie’s breasts.
    Tears leaked out the corners of her eyes and she wrapped her arms around his neck, burying her face against his chest. She wanted him. Wanted him to fill her to completion, ram his cock inside her until she screamed. Harry brought out the whore in Edie, the greedy, needy nymphomaniac she didn’t know existed inside. She wanted him to fuck her. Fuck her hard.
    She opened her legs wide, drawing her knees up until she could hook them with her palms.
    Harry pushed up on his arms, poised over her, his cock pressing against the entrance to her pussy.
    “Fuck me, Harry,” she whispered, loving the carnal sound of the word on her lips. Suddenly empowered by her incredible orgasm, she wanted more of this fabulous man. “Fuck me hard.”
    Harry frowned down at her. “Are you sure?”
    “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.” She wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him into her. When his cock hit the barrier of her hymen, Edie gritted her teeth and tightened her legs forcing him past the thin layer.
    Pain was swift and bittersweet. Soon, Harry was moving within her in long, tender strokes, easing his sex in and out of her tight pussy.
    Within seconds, the pain subsided and Edie matched his rhythm, pushing harder to deepen the connection. She wanted him to crawl inside her, become a part of her and hold on forever.
    The strokes grew more

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