faerie rift chronicles 01 - faerie rift

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Book: faerie rift chronicles 01 - faerie rift by jae vogel Read Free Book Online
Authors: jae vogel
downstairs continue, and I decided to take some initiative on behalf of Erol, and find that ring that the lady was so concerned about losing.
    If I was a young sexy woman with a fair amount of money, I'm not sure that a ring would be on my highest list of priorities. Particularly if there was some amount of unwanted emotional attachment that came along with it.
    In a perfect would, I could have simply cast a tracking spell on the daughter, and then probed her mind for the information concerning the ring. However, I was getting a bit bored, and wanted to have the option of using the same 'psychic' techniques that Erol used. I figured if I could get down to business and cut him off without rubbing my hands all over Rita, then he might be able to respect me as a partner.
    On the other hand, If I lost patience, I could just scare the shit out of him, and let that be that.
    The obvious decision was to investigate the daughter's room. There wasn't anything binding the older woman from looking through her daughter's room herself. In fact, I imagine she might have. Then again, if she wanted a back massage in good conscience, it would probably be in her best interest to retain as much ignorance as possible.
    I suspected that amid those moans and grunting noises, Erol fancied that he could discern some secret language of the heart; as a matter of fact, I wouldn't put it past him. Chances are he was picking up something from all of that touching. I'm just not sure it was the quickest way to manage that information.
    Finding the daughter wasn't too difficult.
    There were giggles and the sound of splashing coming out from behind a closed door at the end of the hall. I figured that there might be more than one daughter in question, but that this was as good of a start as any. I also didn't feel like digging around in some rich brat's room, looking for a piece of jewelry that she either hid away or pawned off for club drugs.
    An entire dimension was dying. I just figured I had better things to do with my time.
    Of course the door was locked, but I felt like I was closing in on something so I didn't bother with the subtleties any longer.
    Locks in the Fae Realm are by nature more complex than their counterparts in the human realm. In a city full of fae, you need complex magical protections or at the very least, a hybridized security system with unique enchantments on your access key. In the Human Realm, they had no reason to use anything besides the most basic tumblers and deadbolts. What's worse is that most of the materials they use are magnetic, which means that a basic earth enchantment will do the trick most of the time.
    I placed my hand on the door, and spoke the words necessary to connect with the bar of steel that was being used to secure the door shut. A sigil burned into the fine oak surface of the door, and the lock twisted open.
    On the other side of the door, whoever was in the bath together was too busy getting randy to notice, or care.
    I let myself into the bathroom, and immediately cast an orb of silence around both of the humans in the tub.
    The spell was simple. All it did was set up a sound-negating barrier in a ten-foot radius around the target. . When I was satisfied that their screams could not be heard outside of the barrier I had erected, I stepped through the bubble myself, and began my own investigation.
    "She can't hear you. Right, now, it's just the three of us, so I suggest you relax."
    The man she was with at the time had been buried between her legs as I entered the room, but with some unceremonious squealing and thrashing around, the two had separated. I sat on the bathroom counter for a moment scoping out the situation. First, I decided to lay down some ground rules.
    "You move, or do something that doesn't suit me, and there will be unfortunate consequences. I've dealt with types much worse than you. However, if you help me out, all of this will go by quickly, and there won't be much for you

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