faerie rift chronicles 01 - faerie rift

Free faerie rift chronicles 01 - faerie rift by jae vogel

Book: faerie rift chronicles 01 - faerie rift by jae vogel Read Free Book Online
Authors: jae vogel
was capable, that was his problem. I knew how to take care of myself, and my silence communicated that clearly enough for my tastes.
    "Look, when we get there, just stay in the car. All right, I'm starting to think that bringing you along was a total mistake. I'd drop you off somewhere now, but I'm almost late, and Rita tends to appreciate it when I'm on time."
    "Wouldn't want to upset Rita..."
    He laughed.
    "You've never met her, she can be a very trying lady if she wants to be. I find it best to maintain a professional image in front of my clients. Goes a long way to insuring repeated business. What do you do for a living?"
    "I'm a Government Spy."
    The line was delivered in a deadpan tone. I stared straight at him, begging him to make eye contact with me long enough to see that I was telling the truth. He blew me off, but in that half a second's hesitation, he also blew a stop sign, which I found hilarious.
    "Ha! Damn. I thought you were serious for a moment. You have a really solid delivery."
    I rolled my eyes, and put my bare feet up on the dash. My dress rode up around my crotch and I stared out the window, not really giving a shit for the moment. My apathy lasted the rest of the drive. I was feeling moody. No way around it. I was tired of being incognito, and getting treated like shit by these humans. I took a sharp inhale, and then resolved to step up my game. I needed to come clean with Erol if I wanted him to help me out, but I needed to do it at the right moment. I had a feeling that this client of his was going to provide that opportunity.
    That and I needed some more boots.

Chapter 8
    "I 'll be back in about an hour. If you're gone when I come back, it was nice to meet you. If you're still around, I'll drop you off wherever you need to go. Sound good?"
    I didn't bother responding. I just got out of the car, and started walking up the long entryway to Rita's Mansion. Erol cursed behind me, and I let the soles of my feet get massaged by the cobblestone walkways. My posture was high, and I probably looked every part the gypsy mystic in my new outfit.
    "Relax, Erol. Let's see what this lady has to say. I'll stay quiet while you figure things out, and if I can do anything to help, I'll pitch in."
    "I'm just not sure if it's professional to bring another person to a house call..."
    He was lying. I could tell, though I wasn't sure exactly why.
    "Do you have a thing for this lady? A bit of a ‘special touch’ for the job?" I laughed to myself, imagining how lucky an older woman would be to have Erol as her ‘private psychic’, as long as she didn't have to deal with the guy 24/7.
    He let out a sharp sigh, and tried to regain his composure.
    I rang the doorbell, and then stood there like a boss.
    "Don't worry about it, hun, everything's going to be fine. I don't care what you've got going on with Rita. None of my business."
    "Great. Thanks."
    We stood there together, awkwardly for a couple of minutes until a middle-aged woman answered the door. She was thin, and wore so much make up that her lipstick actually clung together in a visible paste at the corners of her mouth. Her outfit was saucy for an older woman, and my suspicious were immediately confirmed.
    "Erol! So good to see you. I see you've brought a guest..."
    "Rita, I'd like you to mee--"
    "Aria. Hedge Witch and Cunning Linguist at your service." I immediately reached out to shake Rita's thinly gloved hand.
    Erol cleared his throat and interrupted our introduction.
    "Aria is here to observe today, Rita. Do you mind?"
    "Charmed.. of course, I'm sure. You are here to learn a thing or to from Sir Erol?"
    I grinned.
    "Oh, I've learned a lot already."
    "Well keep an eye out sister. He's sharp as a fox, if you know what I mean..."
    She raised her eyebrows lewdly, and then proceeded to give Erol a gratuitous, full body hug.
    Poor woman , I thought. She probably doesn't get much attention from anyone else. This is likely a surrogate relationship for her

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