The Alpha's She-Wolf

Free The Alpha's She-Wolf by K.S. Martin

Book: The Alpha's She-Wolf by K.S. Martin Read Free Book Online
Authors: K.S. Martin
he wouldn’t want Clair to have any reason to
not marry me.  I could only save you one way and that was to leave you behind. 
At the time, there were two powerful packs in the area, the Edwards and the Macgregor’s. 
I’d hoped that they would take you in, when you became of age.”  Shauna relaxed
against him settling into the crook of his arm.  She was glad that he’d given her
up if the alternative was death.  Besides, Missus B took good care of them and
they always felt loved.  Sure, they didn’t have the newest fashion in clothes
or the hot new video game but they were fed, warm, and loved.  That’s all that
was important anyway.  Shauna heard footsteps on the porch steps and knew who
it was.  Connor burst through the door.  Donald instantly shifted into a huge snarling
white wolf and lunged for Connor who was mid-shift.  Donald had him down and by
the throat before Shauna and Naomi knew what happened.  Connor’s chocolate
brown wolf fought, struggling until Donald growled.  Connor went limp and
    “No dad, don’t hurt him.  He’s only
trying to protect me.”  Shauna pulled at the white wolf’s fur and he let go of
Connor.  He immediately shifted back into her father.  Connor changed back into
his human form and rubbed his neck.  He stayed on one knee. 
    “Your highness.”  Connor kept his
head down.
    “Rise Maddock.”  Connor looked up
at him curiously.  “I knew your father when I was here twenty five years ago. 
He was a very entertaining man, a beta then.  We had a great time together, is
he still around?”  Connor shook his head.  “Too bad, I’d looked forward to
seeing him again.  Your mom?”  Connor nodded.
    “She’s still with us.”  Connor
dropped back down on one knee and looked up at him.  “Your highness?”
    “Donald, please.  It’s been a long
time since I’ve felt like a royal.”  Donald chuckled and eased back onto the
couch.  Naomi hadn’t left her seat but Shauna still perched on the edge of the
couch.  Connor stayed down.
    “Donald.  I would like to ask for
Shauna’s hand in matrimony.  We are mates.  I can provide well for her and when
she get’s over her anger with me, she will come to her senses and forgive me.” 
Connor was gazing into her eyes that were alight with her earlier anger.
    “Shauna is angry with you?”  Connor
nodded and Donald laughed.  “Hmm make up sex, my favorite kind.”  Shauna
flushed crimson.  “If Shauna wants to marry you, you have my permission.  However,
the choice is Shauna’s alone.  I will not force either of my girls to marry someone
they do not love the way I had to.  That woman was nearly the death of me, I
couldn’t have been happier when she went back to Hungary.”
    “Do we have any siblings?”  Naomi
asked suddenly.  Donald nodded.  Naomi had longed her whole life to be part of
a pack, to belong.
    “You have two brothers and a
sister.”  Shauna watched Connor who was watching her.
    “So she wasn’t all that bad then
was she?”  Naomi elbowed his side and giggled.
    “Well darling girl let me put it
this way.  I never loved her, I did love to bed her and she me.  If we weren’t
in bed though, we were fighting.  I haven’t a vase left in the castle.  She
left when she broke the last one.  Your brothers are George, he’s twenty two
and wandering the world, Frank is twenty and at University, and Marianna is
sixteen, she is with her mother.”  He smiled at Shana when she connected the
name with what he’d called her mother.  His eyes were far away and he stood up.
  “Well, my flight leaves in two hours.  Here is my card.”  He handed it to
Naomi and bent to kiss her cheek then Shauna’s.  “You girls call your old dad
sometime, even better, come, and visit me.  I have to get on the road though.  I
don’t want to miss my flight.  Connor you take good care of her.”  He shook
Connor’s hand.
    “Dad, we have questions like why
don’t we

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