The Anchor

Free The Anchor by B.N. Toler

Book: The Anchor by B.N. Toler Read Free Book Online
Authors: B.N. Toler
cheek, his skin smooth against mine. He must’ve just shaved. “I just wanted you to know I’m past it. But can we still be friends? Since our best friends are getting married, I hope so.”
    “Of course,” I manage after a beat. “But Parker . . . I do need to talk to you.”
    “About what?”
    “Well, maybe after the party—”
    “Nikki,” John calls as he steps out of their bedroom, fixing his tie.
    “Done already?” Parker laughs. “Did you even penetrate her before you busted a nut?”
    “Barely,” John grumbles, half smiling as he runs a hand through his hair. “Told you I only needed five minutes.”
    “Or less than one,” Parker adds.
    “Nikki, Edie asked me to send you in. She needs . . . help,” John says, ignoring Parker.
    “Yeah, sure.” I give Parker a small smile and hurry into the bedroom. How in the hell am I going to tell Parker I’m having his baby? He said he’s past it . . . meaning he’s over me, or the idea of us. That’s good news . . . I think. I don’t want to be with him . . . do I?


    After I suit up, I head out to the back field where a giant tent is set up. Inside there are maybe two hundred people, dancing, eating, or sitting at tables chatting. I’m surprised by the amount of guests. They really must have invited the whole town. I catch a glimpse of John by the bar and head over.
    “Beer?” he asks when he sees me.
    “Yeah, thanks.” The bartender, a good-looking blond with perky breasts, brings me a beer and gives me a wink as she slides it to me. I glance at John and he shakes his head, saying, Don’t go there. I nod and we both turn to the crowd. “How’s it going so far?”
    “Eh . . . I’m going to finish this beer and make my rounds.” Just then, Edie and Nikki enter the tent. Edie glances at John and blushes. When I look to him he’s smiling— he is so pussy-whipped. Suddenly, a tall, thin guy approaches and pulls both Nikki and Edie in for a hug.
    “Who’s that?”
    “Joey. He works here on the farm. He and Edie are tight . . . almost family. He doesn’t like me very much.”
    “Because I was fucking his almost-sister before we were an actual couple.”
    “Ah, I see. The overprotective almost-bro.” As soon as Joey releases the girls, another guy, about my size and build, with dark hair, scoops Edie up and spins her in his arms. She’s using one hand to hold her dress under her ass so she doesn’t flash anyone and the other she’s using to try and free herself from the guy.
    “And who is—” Before I finish the sentence, John walks off heading toward them, his shoulders pulled back, fists clenched at his sides. “Aw, shit.” I chug my beer before leaving it on the bar and dart after him. I’m guessing he’s not a fan of this guy.
    “Put her the fuck down, Dierk,” John growls. The guy rolls his eyes, but gently places Edie on her feet. Edie immediately rushes to John, more to calm him than anything judging by the way she’s kind of pushing at him.
    “Chill, John. I was just saying hi to my girl,” the guy snorts. Now that I’m close-up, I recognize the guy. Before John came back to Holly Springs, Nikki had posted a picture of Edie kissing this guy. My guess was Nikki did it on purpose to make John jealous as I had been friend requesting her on Facebook for over a month and she’d only accepted my request that very day. I have to say, it worked. John flew back that night and proposed.
    “She’s not your girl,” John growled. “And you can say hi without touching my fiancée.” John sidesteps Edie as he steps toward Dierk.
    “Suit,” Edie says, quietly, as her eyes dart around, checking to see if they’ve captured the attention of other guests.
    “Don’t be a dick, dude,” Dierk slurs a little. Obviously he’s already had a few.
    John steps further toward him and the skinny guy, Joey, steps between him and Dierk. Joey pushes John back, gently, while speaking in his ear. The muscles in

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