Wilson's War: Tales From the Athena Lee Universe
have prevented terrorism, mastered the art of Magic, or have gone bug-nut crazy and killed everyone. I, unfortunately, am not that kind of AI. Although, sometimes, that last one sounds like it might be an option. What I do is help my best friend in the galaxy, Athena Lee. She is both my savior and my big sister. Even though she herself threatens to 'trash compact' me. I help her on her engineering projects, keep her secrets, and help to save the universe on a regular basis. I need action to survive the boredom. With no action to be found I sometimes make my own. Or have fun at other's expense. My newest target is Hannibal Lee.
    You would think that having met both Athena and her awesome sister Minerva that the older brother Hannibal would be even cooler. Not so much. He is a 'douche canoe.' One of the biggest wankers I have ever met in my long life. It is really hard to believe that they had the same upbringing. I sort of have a personal grudge against the big jerk. He treated my favorite person like dirt and made her cry. He also tried to shoot me! I was trying to run him over with this really cool combine machine, but still. He aimed a gun at me! Revenge is at hand. He is in charge this weekend here on the farm. The automated farm. The one with all the cool toys. This should be fun!
    Former Major Hannibal Lee really hated this damn farm. He needed to stay in his father's good graces, if he expected to get back into the uniform he had spent his life earning. Fighting for honor, glory, and fame was the Militia way. That was what his teachers and trainers had always said. He was the golden child, the successor to his father's empire. All he did was lead his troops into battle. Losses in battle are to be expected. If he had charged those defenses one more time, he could have broken through! Just one more time! But no, he found himself relieved of duty and placed on military leave. There was no way that any Military tribunal would court martial him, he thought to himself. He was too important to the family and the planet! With David gone, he was the heir to it all. His sisters? They were women, good only for marrying and fun, no way they could inherit anything.
    Hannibal gazed across the fields at the all the wheat. As he watched the farm's combines were hard at work harvesting the crops. The big monster of a combine caught his eye that thing just had to be haunted of something. He would almost swear the damned thing tried to run him down! His sister should have just let him shoot it. All the techs that examined it said the same thing, computer error. Some sort of program that was left running. Han wasn't sure about that. He stayed armed whenever that thing was around.
    As he walked back to the main house, he considered his options. He was not poor, family inheritance aside, he had invested fairly well. He owned a really nice gentleman's club and bar in town. Many of his gambling buddies had borrowed start-up credits from him to open Casino's or strip clubs. Han really enjoyed being recognized and let in for free at those places. He really needed his military career back. The life of a farmer did not agree with him. He wanted fame to go with his fortune. Oh well, tomorrow was another day. He disappeared into the house. Unknown to him, hidden eyes watched from the many cameras scattered around the farmyard. A distant voice murmured 'soon.'
    He even eats funny. I was my own opinion from studying my prey. Hanging out with Athena all the time has definitely refined how I find my patsies. I used to just have fun letting the chaos happen. Now, I plan it all out. It's more fun that way. I've been keeping a close eye, well around a thousand eyes, on this waste of space called Hannibal Lee. I think I have all his routines down pretty well. He supervises the farm all day, takes really long food breaks, then goes out with his friends spends credits on stupid games and women. The way he goes through credits he should be

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