The Phantom

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Book: The Phantom by Jocelyn Leveret Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jocelyn Leveret
Tags: Phantom Lover
got my apartment door open and threw my keys in the bowl. I reached for the light switch, but then...
    “Don’t turn those on.”
    The deep voice made me jump. “Who’s there?”
    The only answer was a deep chuckle.
    I groaned, and rolled my eyes. “Geoff, if that’s you, just get out now. You can get your things in the morning.”
    “It’s not him.” I heard Beth’s shocked whisper beside me. “The Phantom... He’s come back!”
    “What do you mean, ‘back’?”
    There was another laugh from somewhere in the room. “Didn’t Beth tell you? I took her virginity thirteen years ago.”
    “No!” I said as I turned to her. “You said you didn’t believe in him. How could you not tell me? It would have been perfect for my article.”
    “I-I thought I dreamed it all,” she tried to explain. “The man that night said he would return. All these years, he never did.”
    I gasped when something touched my cheek. “We can talk about all of that later,” The Phantom said, as his finger traced the line of my jaw. “Right now, I have other things in mind for the three of us.”
    A hand grabbed mine and pulled me further into the apartment. Beth matched me step for step as he guided us to my bedroom. There, he pushed us to our knees. “Take off your tops,” he told us.
    I never knew my dream lover would be so commanding. I liked it.
    “Good girls,” The Phantom said as we obeyed.
    Oh, I felt so special when the tip of his cock pressed against my lips. In all those stories I’d heard, not one woman said she had been allowed to take him in her mouth. He had been in their pussies, and even in one woman’s ass, but never the mouth. Now, here he was, moving back and forth over my tongue.
    How can I describe the taste of him; warm mint, maybe? It may have been a dirty act, but he was going to leave my mouth feeling as if I had just brushed my teeth. With every in and out, his knees brushed my bare breasts. My nipples hardened just a little more with each subtle touch. I couldn’t stop myself from reaching up and rolling them between my fingers until a sigh escaped from around the flesh in my mouth.
    I actually whined when he took himself away. “Mmm...” I heard Beth moan beside me and I knew it was her turn to taste.
    My pussy pulsed below as I listened to the sounds of her sucking his cock. It only inspired me to pinch and twist the tips of my breasts harder. Then, just as I caught the breath I lost while he was in my mouth, The Phantom put himself back. My ghostly lover pushed his penis even deeper until I felt him at the back of my throat.
    It was as if The Phantom’s return to Beth unlocked her true sensuality. She pulled my hand away from my chest and replaced it with her lips. Oh, her teeth were so much better than my fingers! They sank deeper, and their edges caused a sting I could feel even in my panties. It must have been her hand, too, that moved down my bare back. I felt the clasp of my skirt open, but the zipper was only able to lower an inch in my kneeling position.
    “On the bed, both of you,” The Phantom commanded us. “And Beth, strip your friend.”
    She pushed her glasses up her nose and I had to giggle. Even during sex, she still had that habit.
    Without a word she obeyed. I lay back as she took off my heels and dropped them to the floor. Then, skirt and panties disappeared together, and just like that I was bared for his use.
    Beth couldn’t resist tasting me. She dipped down and traced the lips of my cunt with her tongue. “You’re so wet. Ah!”
    My best friend jumped when The Phantom slapped her ass. “Did I tell you to do that?” he asked.
    “No,” she answered.
    “Then don’t.”
    It startled me how quickly she was pushed out of the way. The bed sank under the weight of a third person. I felt the warm head of his cock brush up the inside of my left thigh as he slowly moved closer and closer to my ready pussy. Finally, he touched me there, and the tip of him parted my lower

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