The Phantom

Free The Phantom by Jocelyn Leveret

Book: The Phantom by Jocelyn Leveret Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jocelyn Leveret
Tags: Phantom Lover
video. “It’s me.”
    At last, The Phantom had come!
    That something cool brushed back and forth, back and forth across the flesh of my throat. “Put your hands above your head,” he commanded.
    I obeyed without a word. Immediately, I felt that something cool bind my wrists together. It must have been the same band of silk Mary and Esmeralda had said he used on them. Oh God, what else did it mean I was in for? Anal?
    When he didn’t roll me over, I knew my ass was safe. Instead, I got gentle kisses down the same path the silk had taken to my shoulder.
    “Ooh!” I squealed when I felt a little nip on the tip of my right breast as my nipple stretched between his teeth.
    Neither his head nor his jaw moved after that, but a hand began to slide across my belly. It traveled up over my ribs and up the mound of flesh on the other side. Fingers walked across my skin until they found the very edge of my other pink nub.
    There was nothing more for the longest time, so much nothing that just waiting took my breath away. Then, a sweet pain. Fingers pinched and teeth bit my nipples at exactly the same time. Oh God, it was enough to make my back arch and cause a surge of incredible pleasure between my legs! It took me so close to the fucking edge that my body tightened in preparation for orgasm.
    “More!” I screamed.
    Those pinching fingers twisted and...
    Beep! Beep! Beep!
    My eyes popped open. Damn it! It was just another dream. I must have fallen asleep while typing on my article.

Chapter Eighteen
    A few weeks later, I was putting the final touches on my article. In less than two months, I had collected confessions from almost twenty women and found an entire folder worth of proof he had been there all throughout history. All I had to do was print it out and turn it into Marion the next morning. I was actually humming with happiness. In just a matter of weeks, every single one of Belle ’s readers would know about The Phantom.
    Suddenly, I heard the front door slam. “What the fuck is wrong with you?” Geoff screamed from the next room.
    “Huh?” was all I could say when he stormed into the kitchen.
    He threw something down on the table. When I realized what it was, I froze. There, on the cover of the newest issue of Sappho magazine, was a picture of topless me kissing topless Jade. “Is this why our sex life sucks?” Geoff demanded.
    I was too stunned to say anything. “Do you even like men?” He asked angrily.
    “O-of course I do,” I stuttered.
    He huffed. “Somehow I just don’t believe that. You certainly never come with me!”
    I was tempted to say that it was hard to come with him when he never even got it in me, but even if I could have gotten the words out, I wasn’t given a chance. Geoff’s tirade just went on and on.
    ‘’Are you fucking that little four-eyed bitch friend of yours, too? Is that why she doesn’t like me? Huh? Is she jealous that you live with me instead of her?”
    I may not have been able to speak, but I could move. My hand flew up and slapped the bastard.
    He didn’t even flinch. Geoff just laughed, and then leaned in close. “I’m through,” he said. “You can have your fucking Phantom, or your girlfriends. I don’t care which. Good luck finding someone to be as good to you as I was.”
    Just like that, he turned around and left me standing there in the kitchen as he walked out. “I’ll come back later for my games and the TV,” were his last words to me.

Chapter Nineteen
    It all happened so very, very fast. Our years together were over in a single minute. It actually took me longer than that to find the ability to speak again. Even then, the voice that came out when I called Beth was shaky.
    Now, we were completely out of place at a bar that matched my mood. It was dirty, dark, and depressing. I swear the only lights at all in the place where the neon beer signs and the two bare bulbs over the pool table where a couple of bikers were playing. There weren’t even

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