Playing for Keeps: Harford Scarlet Series

Free Playing for Keeps: Harford Scarlet Series by Toria Lyons

Book: Playing for Keeps: Harford Scarlet Series by Toria Lyons Read Free Book Online
Authors: Toria Lyons
independent consultant, mainly in the UK and Europe, but I still have the odd contract a little further away.’
    ‘So you didn’t even go to your graduation?’
    Sarah looked away from his probing gaze. ‘I was already out there in Spain; there was massive work going on, ready for the busiest season. I couldn’t fly home for a couple of days just to get a photo taken in a silly gown.’
    ‘That explains why I didn’t see you there.’ As she turned back to look at him, he changed the topic. ‘What about a nice, quiet meal in Harford on Tuesday?’
    ‘You want to go out for a meal?’ Sarah couldn’t quite hide her surprise.
    His eyes studied hers. ‘Why not?’
    ‘Because … I think it’s better to keep the fact we’re involved under wraps. I don’t want people gossiping about me. Or us. You know what clubs can be like.’
    ‘So we keep it secret for now? We sneak around behind everyone’s backs?’ Tom started frowning.
    ‘Just speak to me normally in the club, like I’m any other supporter. We can arrange by text to meet up afterwards or on weekday evenings. After all, it’s just sex – there’s no need to dress it up. And you said before, we just need to let it burn out.’ Sarah kept her voice light, ignoring the pangs in her chest.
    ‘I said? I meant –’ Tom abruptly moved her off his lap, got up from the sofa and pulled his coat on. Keeping his back to her, he spoke tightly. ‘OK, we swap numbers and whenever we feel the itch, we meet?’
    She turned onto her stomach and watched him pull his belongings together. ‘Tom, it’s not your reputation at risk. When you move on, as you inevitably will, what happens to me? This way is easier. What did you think would happen between us?’
    Tom went through to the kitchen. Sarah followed him out to the front door. He stepped over the threshold, then turned and studied her again. ‘OK, then, if you think it’s best, sweetie. I’ll see you Tuesday night at about eight. Don’t worry about food or drink, I’ll bring something,’ he announced high-handedly. He grabbed Sarah and hauled her to him, kissing her hard. She melted against him until he suddenly released her, striding out to the road and disappearing down towards the club.
    Sarah stood and watched him go, one hand on her still-buzzing lips. Wow, how annoyed was he? And why was he annoyed? He’d got what he wanted in the first place: a no-strings relationship until their attraction dwindled. It wasn’t all her idea.
    She closed the door and surveyed the flat: dishes everywhere, mess on the floor where he’d been creative with some jam on various sensitive parts of her body. The sheets from her bed lay strewn across the doorway to the bedroom, shaken loose by one of their more athletic lovemaking sessions. Lovemaking? Not lovemaking, sensual feasts. Sarah shivered. Already she was looking forward to Tuesday night and the pleasure that Tom could ignite in her. 

Chapter Five
    By Tuesday evening, Sarah felt like she was climbing the walls with frustration and anticipation. She’d tried to work it off with a couple of hard sessions in the gym and a punishing swim but her body was still restless.
    She’d spent Monday in the flat producing reports for the previous week’s work, Tuesday presenting findings to a management boards. Her concentration could have been better; instead of her usual laid-back-but-focused style, she’d been almost too blunt and had caused a few raised eyebrows.
    Home by six, she prepared for Tom’s arrival, putting on a dark green silk top and matching wraparound skirt. She wore no underwear; she couldn’t bear the further friction on her aroused breasts or any constriction around her hips. Her body was preparing itself, parts of her softening, swelling and aching for his touch.
    By the time the doorbell went, shortly past eight, she was beyond ready. She flung the door open and they snapped together like irresistible magnets. Tom propelled her inside and kicked

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