Destined to Fly: An Avalon Novel

Free Destined to Fly: An Avalon Novel by Indigo Bloome

Book: Destined to Fly: An Avalon Novel by Indigo Bloome Read Free Book Online
Authors: Indigo Bloome
    ‘Likewise, it’s lovely to meet you, too.’ I shake my head in an attempt to focus on the here and now as if I had just experienced some sort of time warp. ‘Though I have the strangest sense that I have met you somewhere before.’ My voice is soft, unsure.
    ‘Interesting … in another time, another place perhaps. Many paths are crossed during our lifetimes.’ His calm, philosophical response poses more questions that it answers. I think to ask a few of them, but instead I keep them to myself, shifting my bottom in the seat from the recent memory of my so-called ‘punishment’ at a time when questions were forbidden. Jeremy doesn’t miss my adjustment and tries to hide his grin, squeezing my hands within his palm.
    ‘Now, let’s progress to the discussion we have been waiting to have. Martin, I believe you have an update.’
    It’s as though he is chairing a formal meeting — a mandatory one, clearly. All eyes turn to Martin.
    ‘Thanks, Leo. Salina sent through an update two hours ago. She now has confirmation that Jurilique is underground, situated at the Xsade laboratory in Slovenia where Alexandra was taken. She believes Votrubec is also being held there.’
    Straight to business.
    ‘So he is alive?’ I can’t help but interrupt.
    ‘He made recent contact with his wife but she has not seen him since your escape. He told her he was workingon a project requiring his presence around the clock and it may be a few weeks until he completes it.’ My heart sinks. The Witch is definitely holding him captive there, but at least he is alive which is a huge relief.
    ‘It is our understanding that she requires his expertise to conduct the testing, and experimentation on Alexandra’s blood. His potential release is dependent on her return and involvement.’ God, this just keeps getting worse. I lower my head as if both he and I are doomed for execution.
    ‘And did you meet with my contact at Interpol?’
    ‘Yes. On standby awaiting further instruction.’
    ‘Good, I’m pleased to hear it. Anything else, Martin?’ Leo asks.
    ‘Only that we received additional correspondence from Jurilique this morning, via a guest of the hotel who was asked to pass the message on, detailing Alexandra’s instructions for the meeting point.’
    How has my life come to this?
    ‘And I assume you have passed that on?’
    A pause. ‘Well, no, not exactly.’
    ‘It was ripped to shreds, but we have collected the pieces.’
    I immediately flush scarlet — everyone around the table knows that I was the shredder. I may as well sound a siren it’s so obvious.
    ‘I see.’ As if he couldn’t see. I silently thank Leo for not making issue of it. ‘Thanks, Martin. Any questions before we move on?’ Heads shake no.
    ‘Okay. I think it is clear from the conversations I have had with each of you around this table where you stand in relation to responding to Jurilique’s attempted blackmail. Everyone except Alexandra.’
    All eyes swivel to the bright beacon of my face. Leo continues to address me by my full name, which, along with his demeanour, provides me with an unexpected and surprising reassurance.
    Jeremy hasn’t uttered a word since this meeting began and I half expect him to speak on my behalf given our recent disagreements. He remains silent and they wait patiently for me to respond. I release my hands from beneath Jeremy’s palm, take a sip of wine from my glass as my mouth has gone dry, pray for some Dutch courage and prepare to speak. Here goes nothing.
    I explain what I have been trying to convey to Jeremy since the arrival of the letter. My fear for the children. My desperate need for this to be over to resume our normal lives, our careers. My desire to exist in society rather than become an outcast, a recluse. I talk for a long time and they sit and listen, not one interruption or question, just patience and understanding from around the table, which frankly, I find astonishing — not what I

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