Highland Light

Free Highland Light by Cherime MacFarlane

Book: Highland Light by Cherime MacFarlane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cherime MacFarlane
Ailene to her self. She was standing as a statute where he had left her. Tomorrow was soon enough for her to concentrate on the keep. She knew she should be about doing for the people left in her care. Today she was not able to do so.
    It was almost as if the clan was in mourning. The breeze gently blew through the glen from the coast. Something was blowing in. Likely it would rain before evening. She could not bring her feet to move. A cloud blew across the face of the sun turning the day dreary. For a moment a ray of sun lit the top of the ridge where the horsemen had disappeared. The clouds began to move in faster. The gray look of rain moving across the land finally drove her to move inside away from the threat of rain.
    Ailene knew she should be ashamed of herself. Her behavior was not becoming a laird's daughter. She was sure Edeen would have something to say on the subject later. As she walked into the hall she thought about the bed upstairs. The tears threatened to begin again. Ailene stopped then took a deep breath.
    The hall seemed empty without the bulk of the two men. Ailene went into the kitchen not expecting to see anyone. But Idelle was there. Neill's wife was directing Dallas to bring in kindling for the wood box beside the big fireplace. A pot dangled from the pothook.
    "Will pottage suit ye well enough this night?"
    Idelle asked Ailene as she butchered a rabbit.
    Ashamed of herself, Ailene tried to answer her but found her throat all but blocked. She had to clear her throat to get any words out.
    "Och, aye."
    Idelle looked up at Ailene. She smiled softly.
    "Go wash yer face Ailene. The first time ye have ta watch them leave is always tha worst."
    Ailene ran out the back door. She collapsed on the bank of the burn where she thrust her hot face and gritty eyes into the cool water. Lifting her face she scrubbed her hands across it. If Idelle could survive it she could do so. She picked herself up from the ground then walked back into the house. Ailene sat on a stool at the big table.
    "Forgive me Idelle. I dinna know what is wrong wa me!"
    Ailene cried out.
    "Come now lass."
    Idelle finished cutting the rabbit then took the pieces over to the pot.
    "How long have ye had the lad to yerself? Not nearly long enough ye ken?"
    Idelle put the butchered animal into the pot. She wiped her hands on her apron and walked over to the girl.
    Idelle reached out to take Ailene in an embrace. Aileen turned to press her face into Idelle's stomach.
    "Whesht lass! We all ken how it is wa the twa of ye. We no hold it against ye child. Ye can be strong on the morrow, now ye are a lassie who has sent her lad to war the first time."
    The rain was a soft gray mist that filled the yard outside the back door of the kitchen. Ainsley entered the kitchen from the yard. He shook the moisture from his hair and body much like one of the hounds that followed him in. Studiously ignoring the two women, the young man called the three hounds to him then went into the main hall. Ailene heard him doing something with the wood in the fireplace.
    She straightened up and wiped her face on her skirt. Idelle gave her a smile then smoothed a hand down her cheek.
    "Ye may as well see to the lad. I think ye need to gie him direction, mind. Ainsley is at loose ends as much as ye. He wants to go ye ken, but is too young. He feels badly."
    Idelle went back to the pot to stir it.
    Ailene went into the hall where she inspected the stack of wood for the fireplace. Ainsley had set a fire in the big fireplace but had yet to light it. Ailene sent him up stairs to check the wood box in her room. He scrambled off glad to have something to do. Ainsley slept in the hall, a foster son from her mother's people, he had been with them since his tenth year.
    Dashing out into the rain Ainsley was calling for Boyd and Celan, the other two boys who were being fostered by Cadell. Ailene wondered if perhaps she should have Christal come and stay with her in her room but

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