Son of No One

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Book: Son of No One by Sherrilyn Kenyon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sherrilyn Kenyon
now, in a minute . Now as in now .”
    Clothes appeared instantly on their bodies. One moment they were nestled in bed and in the next, she found herself outside, near a small brook in the forest.
    As Cadegan started away from her, she grabbed his arm. “Where are you going?”
    He arched a brow at her question. “I assumed you’d want some privacy for your business .”
    â€œYeah, but where’s the bathroom?”
    He gestured at a copse of trees.
    â€œAye. It’s all we have.”
    Ew! It was as bad as going camping with Uncle Tom and Essie and Tiyana. Nature sucked when it came to bathroom breaks. “You don’t have any TP?”
    â€œToilet paper, for the love of God and his saints, man. Cottonelle. Scott. Quilted Northern. Angel Soft? Any of that ring a bell with you?”
    He dared to laugh at her outrage. Something that made her want to choke him. With a devilish grin, he held his hand out and a roll of modern convenience appeared instantly. “Will this do, lass?”
    â€œYes! Thank you.” Grabbing the roll, she headed for shrubbery. And if a knight who said Ni appeared, she planned on screaming.
    Loudly. And with great passion and fearless embarrassment.
    Once she’d finished, she made her way back to where Cadegan waited with a small bowl of gray, seeded berries. He was chewing on what appeared to be a stick of some kind.
    â€œWhat is that?” she asked, gesturing to what had to be a most unappetizing breakfast as he literally gnawed on it, like a dog with rawhide.
    He swallowed before he answered. “Merlin Root.”
    â€œIs it good?”
    He screwed his face up. “Not even a trifle.” He held the bowl out to her. “These are much better for the tongue, but there weren’t many to be had, as they mostly bloom at night, so I saved them for you.”
    Hesitating, she picked one of the grayish round berries from the bowl. “Why is there no color here?” Even their skin was back to being gray.
    â€œâ€™Tis said that when the great Penmerlin Aquila pulled Avalon and Camelot out of the human realm to protect the race of man from the fey queen’s army, part of Morgen’s court ran to the abbey, thinking they’d be safe from her powers. As they did so, it pulled the Merlin’s magick here and damned the unfortunate occupants to dwell in the shadows for all time.”
    Was he talking about the Morgen and Merlin the Magician? “Camelot? Like King Arthur and Lancelot?”
    He nodded as she took a bite and found the berry to be quite tasty in spite of its unappetizing color.
    Jo turned around to see the area with new eyes as she digested his tidbit. So this was the Glastonbury Tor she’d heard her cousins talking and arguing about. Wow. Not what she expected, by a long shot. “Were you one of Arthur’s knights?”
    Offended, Cadegan snorted. “I’m not that old, lass. Arthur died long before I drew me first breath.”
    â€œOh, sorry.” She picked up another berry. “But you have to admit, you are older than older’s older cousin.”
    Cadegan didn’t want to cede any such truth. Ignoring her sarcasm, he sucked his breath in as he saw the juices from the berry on her lips. Before he could stop himself, he lifted her chin and kissed it from them. His heart pounding with needful longing, he breathed her in, wishing he could stay right here, in her arms, for eternity.
    But alas, he needed to be sending her on her way. And sooner rather than later. Every second she was here, especially in the open, she was a threat to his life.
    She lifted her hand to offer him a berry. “Can I ask you something?”
    He almost declined taking her food. But before he could stop himself, he ate it from her hand, and allowed her to tame him when no one ever had before. Normally, he’d lop the appendage off anyone foolish

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