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Book: Circus by Alistair MacLean Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alistair MacLean
last performance of their last night in town that Bruno rather diffidently asked her along to see his quarters aboard the train. Maria showed no diffidence in accepting the offer. He guided her stumbling footsteps along the rutted siding track then helped her up the steep steps at the end of a coach.
    Bruno had rather splendid and completely enclosed quarters, consisting of a sitting-room, kitchen-cum-dinette, bathroom – with, of all things, a sunken bath – and bedroom. Maria looked almost dazed as he led her back to the sitting-room.
    He said: ‘I’m told I mix what the Americans call a rather mean Martini. Only time I ever drink is after I’ve finished a series in a town. Alcohol and the trapeze don’t mix. Will you join me?’
    â€˜Please. I must say you do live in style. You should have a wife to share all this.’
    Bruno fetched ice. ‘Is that a proposal?’
    â€˜No, it’s not. But all this – just for one man.’
    â€˜Mr Wrinfield is very kind to me.’
    She said drily: ‘I don’t think Mr Wrinfield is losing out on the deal. Does anyone else have accommodation like this?’
    â€˜I haven’t gone around examining – ’
    â€˜Certainly not me. I have a place like a horizontal telephone box. Ah, well, I suppose there’s a vast gap in status between a trainee secretary and you.’
    â€˜That’s so.’
    â€˜Men! Modesty! I just don’t know!’
    â€˜Come with me on the high trapeze. Blindfolded. Then you’ll know.’
    She shuddered, not altogether affectedly. ‘I can’t even stand on a chair without getting vertigo. Truly. You’re welcome to your palace. Well, I suppose I can always come along and visit the palace.’
    He handed her a drink. ‘I’ll have a special welcome mat made out for you.’
    â€˜Thank you.’ She lifted her glass. ‘To our first time alone. We’re supposed to be falling in love. Any idea how the others think we are doing?’
    â€˜I can’t speak for the others. I think I’m doing very well.’ He glanced at the compressing lips and said hastily: ‘I think we’re doing very well. I suppose, as of this moment, that must be the general idea. By this time at least a hundred people must know that you’re here with me. Aren’t you supposed to blush or something?’
    â€˜It’s a lost art. Well, I don’t suppose you came along just for my dark eyes. You have something to tell me?’
    â€˜Not really. You asked me, remember?’ She smiled. ‘Why?’
    â€˜Just polishing up our act.’ She stopped smiling and put down her glass. He reached forward quickly and touched the back of her hand. ‘Don’t be a silly goose, Maria.’ She looked at him uncertainly, smiled a token smile, and picked up her glass again. ‘Tell me. What am I supposed to do when we get to Crau – and how am I supposed to do it?’
    â€˜Only Dr Harper knows, and he’s not ready to talk yet. I should imagine that he’ll tell you – us – either on the way across or when we get to Europe. But two things he did tell me this morning – ’
    â€˜I knew you had something to tell me.’
    â€˜Yes. I was just trying to be a tease. It didn’t work, did it? Remember those two so-called electrical engineers that the police escorted to the train? They were our people, electronic experts searching for listening devices – bugs. They concentrated on your apartment.’
    â€˜Bugs? In my apartment? Come on, Maria, that is a bit melodramatic.’
    â€˜Is it? The second item of news is that a few days ago they found two bugs in Mr Wrinfield’s office – one for the room, one for the telephone. I suppose that’s melodramatic, too?’ When Brunomade no reply she went on: ‘They haven’t removed the bugs. Mr

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