How It Rolls

Free How It Rolls by Lila Felix

Book: How It Rolls by Lila Felix Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lila Felix
about to do to Reed.  Yes, she already met my mom, but alone time with Sylvia Black?  By the time my mom was done, she will have spilled everything down to what kind of underwear she preferred.  It couldn’t be helped.  Something about Sylvia Black made you just spill your guts, all of them. 
                                We walked in through the kitchen entrance, the garlic, onions and basil wafted through the air, even outside.  I was hungry again, so I knew Reed was too.  Andre wasn’t in yet.  He usually came in for the lunch service, left and then came back for the dinner service.  Mom did the cooking for the customers who came in between.  I pulled out a stool for Reed to sit on while I cooked us both a simple pasta primavera, minus the lemon.  I washed up and grabbed an apron.  I knew she watched me, I could feel it.  I’m sure she thought all I was good for was crunching numbers and paperwork.  But you weren’t a true member of the Black family unless you could cook your way into someone’s heart.  And that’s exactly what I meant to do. 
                  Mom came in a few minutes later and hugged Reed like she was an old friend and then slid a stool up next to her and talked to her quietly like I was a golfer and they didn’t want to disturb my swing. 
                  Maddox busted through the kitchen doors, from the dining room, and went to the wall to grab the fire extinguisher and proceeded to keep both ladies in stitches about putting out fires while I cooked and calling the fire station.  I saw Reed move to wipe a tear from her eye.  That’s how Maddox kept everyone’s attention, he was funny as hell.  The pasta was finished, but my brother’s antics weren’t, so I plated it up and placed it next to her without a word. 
                  “Joke all you want to Mad,” Mom said. “But next to your father, Falcon is the best chef in the family.”
                  “Yeah, I guess so.  That’s because he doesn’t have anything else to do.  Lord knows he hasn’t had a date in years.”  I didn’t have to look up to know that he had gotten Reed’s attention with his admission. 
                  Mom intervened, “Maddox, there’s plenty to do in the dining room.” 
                  He left, reluctantly, and Mom followed behind him.  Reed picked up her plate and came to sit across from me at the stainless steel counter, pulling her seat with her. 
                  She took her first bite and her eyes closed.  Nailed it.
                  “Falcon, this is so good.”  I nodded, still pretty humiliated by my brother’s big mouth.  We ate and I showed her where the dishwasher was.  It was an enormous contraption and if you didn’t load the dishes in the right order, they didn’t get clean.  And then you had to face Sylvia’s wrath. 
                  We finished the few dishes that were there and I brought her back into the main part of the kitchen.  I led her through the swinging door and showed her where we rolled the silverware into the napkins.  I left her rolling silverware with my mom and went into the back office to finalize payroll and settle up any bills.  A few hours later, she came into my office and sat down in the chair in front of my desk.  She stared at me and I couldn’t take it anymore. 
                  “What?” I put down what I was doing and looked at her. 
                  “Are you pissed off at Maddox for telling me that?” She played with some of my pencils on the desk.  Note to self: Never ever sharpen those pencils now that she’s touched them.
                  “It’s the truth.  Just not something I wanted dropped at your doorstep before I’ve even gotten to take you out on a real date.” 
                  She laughed. “Wait, today wasn’t a real

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