Bee Happy

Free Bee Happy by Marcia C Brandt

Book: Bee Happy by Marcia C Brandt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marcia C Brandt
rabbits during the growing season.  “Thanks, this looks like my supper and lunch tomorrow.  You sure do grow the best vegetables in the county, must be your love of the earth that makes them taste so good. So, spill the beans, pardon the pun, I want to hear all about your date with Jim last night.  Every juicy detail, do not leave any part out!  And you know that I’m psychic enough to know if you do.”  Laughing Calli began with their ride into town with the top down on the convertible, Jim’s melodious baritone voice and how well their voices blended together.  Both of them ate lunch as the tale of the supper at the Burger Barn, the movie and the hot fudge and caramel sundae unfolded.  Sally absorbed every tiny detail into her soul; she was thrilled to feel the happiness that was being woven into the tale of her date.  Her best friend was finally taking her first steps towards finding a relationship for herself, or at least having an enjoyable evening with a guy.  She knew how difficult it had been for her after Cal’s death.  The months following had been filled with grief and depression, Sally had used every hea ling technique she had to help Calli out of the pit of despair.  She knew that time was the best healer and was so grateful that it was now a perfect time for her to find some happiness after all the darkness had lifted.
      “---and then he asked me if it was okay to kiss me.  That was a first, no other guy had ever asked permission before, and most of them just assume that’s what a girl wants. His asking me broke the tension of the moment and allowed me to relax into the kiss.  And what a kiss it was.”  She grabbed Sally’s hand, “—I actually felt some sort of electricity moving through me.   And then this wave of happiness followed it.”  Calli was glowing and Sally squeezed her hand, “I’m so happy for you.  It’s been a long time, and you deserve to feel special again.”  “I know, thanks to whatever you did ahead of time before my date last night.  You must have chanted some spell to shift my apprehension about being with Jim.  You know how much he used to irritate me, just being around him.  I never did figure out what was causing it, but somehow I enjoyed myself despite my preconceived notion that I wouldn’t have any fun.  He made me laugh and I even got a little emotional when I talked about Cal.”  Sally was surprised to hear that they had talked about Cal; this was amazing for a first date.  “You know that Cal would want you to be happy don’t you?”  Sally checked to see her reaction to the statement, tuning into her emotional body a bit.  “Yes, and that’s one of the reasons I wanted to have lunch with you, besides telling you about my date last night.  My dream this morning was about Cal.  I saw him and hear d him talk to me.  I was wondering what you thought.  Was it a dream or was it a spirit visitation?  I’m not very up on all this spiritual stuff like you are.”  Sally sat back a bit, and listened to her guides.  This was the way she connected to the universal consciousness and received the messages that she shared with her healing clients.  “I’m hearing that indeed it was a dream, Cal isn’t ready to make an appearance just yet.  He has some training to complete on the other side before he can actually come to you here on the earth plane.”  Now this information seemed like an episode from a television series about angels or spirit guides.  Nothing about this was familiar to Calli, but she had learned over the years to believe what Sally shared with her, never had her predictions been wrong and some times they were too accurate making Calli uncomfortable. 
      “So, I really was hearing from Cal’s spirit?  I wasn’t just making it up to be okay with having a date with Jim.  You know me; I’m still in love with Cal.  There’s a part of me that will always love him.  But he’s not here now and I’m almost

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