Dark Ice

Free Dark Ice by Connie Wood

Book: Dark Ice by Connie Wood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Connie Wood
way into her dreams or was he what she dreamed, both a man and an animal made flesh?

    Chapter Eight
    Dane scanned the hall and sensed more than saw the guards gathering along the edges of the walls. The first two guards at the door had been easily disposed of. Though he didn’t kill them, he’d been tempted. He was here for one reason and that was to claim his woman, Lea.
    He turned his attention back to her and saw her eyes widen as she finally turned to look at him. His heart squeezed in his chest, a rush of emotion swept through him, the likes of which he had never experienced. The look she gave him made him feel more like a man than the animal he was so used to being. It made him feel stronger, but also weak somehow. Like she had a power over him, one he had never before considered.
    Lea took a step toward him and for an instant he felt elated. Until a wave of jealous fury rushed over him as the venator clasped one hand on her shoulder to stop her and his other hand firmly on his weapon. He growled low in his throat and fought the desire to transform and simply rip Rin’s heart out.
    Beside him, Darius stiffened as two guards, their swords drawn approached them, emerging from the darkened shadows of the hall. With a sneer of disgust, Darius turned to face the men.
    Dane began to move when he felt two more guards advance from behind. He turned on his heel just as one of the men readied his sword to strike him in the back. Appalled, Dane snarled and blocked the arc of the blade with his massive forearm.
    “Coward,” he growled between clenched teeth. With an enormous palm strike to the chest, the guard’s sternum fractured with a sickening crack. He flew backward and slid along the slate flagstones back into the shadows he came from.
    A dead weight hit him from the side, knocking him off balance. He looked down as of one of the guards fell to the floor at his feet.
    “Sorry, Cousin,” Darius called as he went to engage the other guard. He looked like he was thoroughly enjoying himself.
    Dane hissed as a blow to his shoulder knocked him off balance, he staggered sideways before planting his feet wide apart in a warrior’s stance. Annoyed, he blocked the next hit and reached out and grabbed the man by the throat. He lifted the man in the air, tensing his strong fingers around his scrawny throat.
    He heard a gasp of terrified horror and for the first time felt a wave of shame at what he was. Dane turned and saw the look of fear on Lea’s face. He dropped the guard in an instant, the man crouching on the ground gasping for breath.
    The call echoed through the hall. There was a command in the voice that made everyone stop and obey. To Dane’s surprise, even Darius complied.
    A man emerged from the depths of the shadows, walked around the bodies on the ground and went to stand next to Lea and Rin. He towered over each of them, even Dane.
    Dane saw Lea shrink backward and he wanted to go and comfort her. But would she shrink away from him as well?
    Darius came to stand beside Dane, providing a united front.
    “Tithe,” Dane greeted.
    “Dane. Darius.” Tithe nodded to each.
    Darius just nodded.
    “This is a sacred hall. Lately it’s becoming a drop-in center for every man and their dog.” Tithe stepped toward Dane and Darius and crossed his arms across his chest. “Why do you fight in my hall?” he asked, with a hint of steel to his voice.
    “Your men started it.” Dane gestured toward the men on the ground before looking Tithe in the face. “You know what I’m here for.”
    Dane knew beyond a doubt that Tithe would know why he was here. His power and leadership were legendary. And even though he was technically the enemy, Dane harbored a great deal of respect for the man.
    “I do know why you are here. But it’s up to the woman.” Tithe gestured to Lea standing just behind him. Her confusion was evident.
    Rin stepped in front of her, his hand firm on the

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